to the Pojo.com Message Boards
Before you enter Pojo's
Message Board, you need to understand and agree to all
of our rules:
So everyone knows,
this is a Pojo community Message Board. You
will see Message sections from all areas of Pojo,
from Magic to Pokemon to Dragon Ball Z to just about
anything else. Please be courteous of the
users in the other sections and keep the spam down
to a minimal. Remember - we are all one happy
community here and the last thing we need are
internal problems. ;)
must be 13 years old, or older, to use this Message
Board. If you are younger than 13, you need to
have your guardian Register you.
to AOL users: Many of you have
"parental controls" set on your computer,
and you can not receive email from any of us
Pojo.com, thus we can not email you a password to
use the Bulletin Board. You will have to get
your parents to sign you up with their email
remember that this is a live Message Board.
Our program catches foul language and converts these
words to asterisks (***). However, some
visitors find new & inventive ways to swear.
Foul & inappropriate language is removed as soon
as we find it, and folks who post bad language are
banned from the site. Our moderators will
remove all inappropriate messages when they find
them, but you may run across them first.
E-Mail the Moderator if you find a user using bad
language, and we will investigate ASAP. This
isn't a perfect system, but we are trying our best.
Your IP address is
logged when you use our Message Board. If your
messages are deemed harmful, your account, E-mail
address, and IP address will be banned from entering
the site again.
am 13 years old or older (or have my parent's permission
to use this Message Board). I have read and agree with
all these rules.