Pojo.com Magic:
The Gathering News
Trivia Overload
- Press
Name of Event: MTG Trivia
Date: Saturday, December 4, 2004
Time: 1pm PDT (4pm EDT)
Room on chat site: "Wizards Presents..." chatroom off
the lobby.
Description of event:
“Think you know all there is to know about Magic: the
Gathering? Well, come test your knowledge along with
others or maybe learn something! We at Wizards.Community
are proud to announce the first monthly game of MTG
Trivia Overload this Saturday the 4th of December! We
will begin at approximately 1:00PM Pacific (4PM Eastern,
9PM GMT) in the "Wizards Presents..." chatroom at the
WIZARDS.COMmunity chatrooms. (
www.wizards.com/chat )
You don't have to be an expert. There are questions for
everyone. They will be in categories that may have to do
with rules, storylines, art and other miscellaneous
Magic topics. We will be giving away great prizes to the
top two point winners. To play, you'll have to register
a screen name for the chatrooms (boards names don't
crossover). Then log into chat . From the lobby, type
/go wizards and that will get you to the Trivia contest.
We hope to see you there! !”