Nemeta, Grove
I've been thinking of a combo to build a treefolk
deck around, and I came up
with the following:
Gaea's Cradle.
Play Verdeloth the Ancient, with kicker (producing, for
example, 2
Play another Verdeloth, with a bigger kicker this time,
using gaea's cradle
(The saprolings come into play, but the Verdeloth
doesn't due to the legends
Play Nemata. By now, you should have a large
amount of saprolings. If not,
play a cheap gating creature such as Horned Kavu, gating
the Verdeloth.
Play Verdeloth again. Each time you do this, the
Gaea's cradle produces
more and more mana due to the saprolings, therefore
producing more and more
saprolings from the Verdeloths kicker cost.
When you have enough saprolings, then attack. The
opponent won't be able to
block all of the Saprolings. Sacrifice all of the
blocked saprolings, using
Nemata's ability, to pump up the unblocked ones for the
This won't work in a tourney, as there will be lots of
people running
Blasto-geddon and white control who will wrath away your
The Brainaic
Andrew Lewis