Subject: peasant deck

LITTLE GIANT          by: Phong Mach

Lands: 20

7 Mountain

13 Swamp

Creatures: 20

4 Ornithopter

4 Phyrexian Walker

4 Lim-Dul's Paladin

4 Flametounge Kavu

4 Phyrexian Ranger        can be replace by Wall of Soul

Others: 20

4 Terror

4 Terminate

4 Unholy Strength

4 Sinister Strength

2 Dragon Mask

2 Reckless Charge

How to opperate: Well it very first of all i haven't try out this deck yet because all of this came from my brain because i was inspired my Wizard's article on Wed 30, 2002 of zero power creatures. First this deck is extremely easy to use, drop out quick 0 cost creature on first turn then attack enchantment to it on second and attack. The best creature of this deck is the Lim-Dul's Paladin. This creature can be very tricky to use so you have to read it ability a couple of time first. As long as this creature is alive your opponent will be sitting on fire. But remember he only a distraction, while your opponent focuse on dealing with him mount your "puny" creature attacks. This deck feature 8 death spells to let you pick of some of the creature in the way (Flametounge Kavu also have it little contribute). Dragon Mask let you attack with zero power and cost creature then return to your hand and put down again which could prove to be very annoying to the opponent.