
Subject: Pandemonium+Phyrexian Drednought by JesterX
Phyrexian Drednought
1 colorless mana
12/12 trample
"when phyrexian drednought comes into play,
sacrifice creatures with a total power of twelve, or bury P.drednought"

Now im sure most of you are saying- "that sux! i'm losing creatures, and blady blady blah...." but I have completely broken this card, heres how: Pandemonium.
Pandemonium is a red enchantment (i dont know the cc, if some one could fill me in...) which reads: "whenever a creature is put into play, deal damage equal to it's power to target player"
now the fun, play pandemonium, and then for ONLY ONE MANAOF ANY COLOR you play p. dreadnought, deal 12 damage, and then you don't sac the creatures, a the P. Drednought goes to graveyard. *ehhem* MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!
for extra fun, throw in a raise dead or something for 12 more damage