
       i couldn't come up with any good ideas, so my friend, who's been playing a bit longer than me, and i took apart all my decks, and came out with a deck that will guarantee you a quick and swift victory almost always. an average round for a game with this deck will last no longer than 10 minutes max.

        the green provides the beatdown part (madness assisting in getting out the creatures) while the blue provides all the protection you need against whatever spell your opponent puts out with counterspells, memory lapses, and syncopate.

        wild mongrel is used mainly to use madness to get the main big creature out, arrogant wurm. with basking rootwalla and wild mongrel's ability to boost by discarding a card or paying mana, you'll deal the damage so quick you're opponent won't even know what hit em. all you need out is three mana and you can play basically any card in the deck. some green boost ups are also there if you wanna boost up the 1/1's

4 boomerang
4 arrogant wurm
4 memory lapse
2 wall of air
4 wild mongrel
4 giant growth
4 basking rootwalla
3 invigorate
2 syncopate
2 unsummon
2 glacial wall
4 counterspell
10 forest
10 island

tip, if you don't get any land your first hand, mulligan. all you need is 3 mana to get this deck rolling.