ULTIMATE DECK-Pegasus rush-1.5-Kerchack
3 Phantom Nishoba
1 Avatar of might
3 Vine trellis 21
4 Treva’s Attendant
2 Llanowar elves
2 Sunscape familiar
4 Wall of tears
4 Mana leak
3 Counter spell 14
3 Desert twister
2 Parallel evolution 77cards
2 Overrun
2 Null brooch
4 Coat of arms 6
2 Life force
4 Sacred
2 Armadillo cloak
4 Regeneration
4 Treva’s ruins
4 Aysen alley
4 Irrigation ditch 24
4 islands
4 forests
4 plains
I was thinking about all the color combos and the different ones people make… I’ve seen g/u, g/w, w/g, w/u. But never have a ever seen a well-workin’ G/W/U…
So I came to thinking why not? My friends said that it was impossible because (a) wizards would have done it (b) one of us would’ve done it but there weren’t enough cards that were gold, and not enough different lands to use. I decided to look into it and found that was wrong, just the cards were old… this deck may cost a bit, but I think it’s worth it.
Well this is the strategy. Turn 1 you’ll probly have 1f,1p,1i and one nonbasic land, some type of counter spell and a few creatures. If you have a llanower elf play it and forest, if not play island to prepare to counter. Turn 2 play a plains/forest/islaand to summon sunscape/trellis/tears Turn 3,4 maintain you defenses with you walls and counter spells, on turn5 you should be able to play Mesa if you still don’t have it and you opponent has a bunch of creatures take him down with Might or Nishoba if that guy just doesn’t want to die, gain life from killing his creatures with Cloak or Nishoba. play attendant and regeneration too jump up the mana curve, you should have mesa by turn 6or7, and that is when total and all hope for your opponent dies!!! Parallel evolve them(Pegasus’s) a couple times after you have infinite ones by using a treva’s attendant to sac himself then pay 1 g he makes himself to regenerate himself and use the blue mana to pay the 1 in the cost to sac himself again and you’ll have I white mana left over, you can do this infinite times, and as an instant. Now here comes the beauty, use overrun to boost your P/T more and more importantly give trample and if you’re blocking use Arcades Sabboth for more mass boost up, you also may play COA and that will give you Infinite (Pegasus’s) Infinite/Infinite (P/T) creatures with flying and trample If anyone tries to give you a hard time(and somehow still alive) use life force if you’re facing a black deck or null brooch a lot or the ultimate destruction Desert twister. In the end you’ll put your opponent down to -infinity The only kind of deck that has a small chance to beat this is a quick beat down but if you play your cards right you’ll still win. This deck is 1.5.
If you have any suggestions aside from taking out a couple cards from this deck (I think it has 1 too many too but it is hard to decide which one to take out) e-mail me at Nishobalord@yahoo.com Kerchack