Subject: magic deck type one
Casual Fridays
4 Shock
4 Lightning Bolt
4 Volcanic Hammer
4 Feldons Cane
4 Fiery Temper
4 Sonic Burst
3 Furnace of Rath
3 Blaze
3 Blood Fire Kavu
3 Hammer of Bogarden
20 Mountains
4 Smoldering Crater
This decks main strategy is to get out furnace of rath and then play my ultimate combo to play sonic burst and then fiery temper for its madness cost for 7 dmg, then furnace of rath doubles the damage to a whopping fourteen damage and it only costs three mana to play sonic and temper together. Badda boom now all that’s left is to blast your opponent with the rest of your spells at the most it should take up to 3 burn spells to finish off your opponent after the combo. If you are playing a blue control no problem feldons cane makes your entire graveyard back into your deck! that makes discard decks futile. Hammer of bogarden is just there to bring back just in case your canes sprout feet and all go to the bottom of your deck. Now Furnace of rath is fairly expensive up to about 14$ for one at my local store. But the entire deck should cost under a hundred $. Early on just play burn after burn until you get furnace of rath maybe I should splash some to draw more cards hmmmmmmmmmmmm. Anyway when you get furnace of rath sonic burst and fiery temper do the combo. Anyway if u have any questions about the deck or if u modify it plse pt it down that u got it off the internet and not created it. Email me