From: pojostaff []
Sent: Friday, August 06, 2004 1:39 PM
To: 'jonnyo'
Subject: FW: lifegiving + strategy Gary Peters not sure what type



From: Gary Peters []
Sent: Friday, August 06, 2004 3:30 PM
Subject: lifegiving + strategy Gary Peters not sure what type


lifegiving is a full healing + protection deck. this keeps you alive while also stopping theirr monsters in their tracks.

20 plains

1 spirit link

1 hallow

4 healing salve

2 razor barrier

1 confessor

1 COP: Green

1 demystify

1 zealous inquisitor

1 loxodon mystic

1 life burst

1 redeem

1 COP: Blue

1 COP: Artifacts

3 Peach Garden Oath

1 Teroh's faithful

1 frantic purification

2 orim's touch

4 venerable monk

3 echoing calm

1 whipgrass entangler

3 sacred nectar


with all your clerics out, peach garden oath will heal you for at least 28 life a piece, and with enough mana, you can make the opponent's creatures pay over 140 mana to attack by using whipgrass entangler's effect!

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