Necrologia + Platinum Angel + Spellbook -Chubbz
Ownage combo.... im the man.... i found a way that you can get your entire library int your hand, legally and keep it there. Well here it is-

cost- 7
Artifact creature- Angel
4/4 flyer
You cant lose the game and your opponents cant win the game

cost- BB3
Play necrologia during your discard phase. Pay X life: draw X cards.

cost- 0
You have no maximum handsize

Ok so you have your spellbook and your platinum in play (easier said than done), and you play necrologia. Pay life equal to the size of your library, since you have platinum out you cant lose. Since you have spellbook out you can have your whole library in your hand. Because platinum is in play you wont lose since your out of library.

The only flaw with this combo is that platinum is a very easy target being and artifact and only a 4/4. If it dies, you lose. I highly reccomend giving it something like alexi's cloak or zephids embrace so that it cant be the target of spells or abilties. If not that possibly gaseous form or even inviolability (doesnt solve the artifact prob tho).

Thank you for checking out my kick ass combos my unworthy fans. Email me with questions comments or for deck help
Scott Wenzler AkA chubbz