Subject: Red/Black Suicidal Artifacts - The Ed Man

You may remember me from my "all color" Sliver Deck, Hard Hitting Elf Combos or my Control Blue deck. Well, I have a new deck for you. My Atogs. With all the new artifcats out there and token producing abilities, why not use something that takes full advantage of Artifacts coming into and leaving play very quickly while sticking around just long enough to stomp your opponent into a bloody, whiney mess.

Ok, first off we have to show the deck list:

Lands (24)

8 - Mountains
4 - Great Furnace
6 - Swamps
4 - Vault of Whispers
2 - Darksteel Citadel

Artifacts (18)

3 - Nuisance Machine
2 - Lightning Coils
2 - Archound Crusher
2 - Myr Enforcers
2 - Rust Elementals
1 - Pentavus
1 - Loadstone Myr
1 - Iron Myr
1 - Leaden Myr
2 - Slagwurm Armor
1 - Genesis Chamber

Red Cards (10)

2 - Megatog
4 - Atog
4 - Shrapnel Blast

Black Cards (8)

2 - Vermiculos
2 - Nim Shrieker
4 - Disciple of the Vault

Total - 60 Cards

Ok, now down to the strategy. Early game is the only hard part to cope with when you use this deck. You get a first turn drop with Disciple, but if you want the strategy to work, you want to keep this little guy around. What I do is Slagwurm up the Disciple or a Myr and use them to block most of the onslaught until I can get a Engine out. Once that is out, you don't have to worry about any ground troops unless they have trample. But that is what my Shrapnel Blasts are for. Just incase something is too big to handle, or you want to take their last bit of life away.

Ok, now for the insane combo. It can be worked in many different ways, I am just going to show you the biggest one. (I will discuss smaller strategies later on) For this you need:

As many disciples as you can get out, Vermiculos, Atog or Megatog (Obviously Megatog will give more bang for your buck), Loadstone Myr, Pentavus, Archound Crusher, Nuisance Machine, Genesis Chamber, Lightning Coils. The more you have of cards like Nuisance Machine or Lightning Coils in play, the merrier.

Ok, Genesis chamber starts it off. Your opponent will think he is getting a good deal by aqquiring a nice 1/1 artifact token everytime he puts a creature in play. He could never be so wrong. His artifact coming into play powers up your Crusher and Vermiculos. And when ever you put in a creature you get the same advantage. Your Crusher has just turned into an Elvish Vanguard (practically). Even putting in an artifact land will make him bigger. Now I am sure you are going to be dropping some mana in your Machine every once in a while which will boost their attack even more while giving you a nice little army of 1/1s and 0/1s. Once late game rolls around, after throwing your smaller, less productive creatures (non-token) in front of their army yoiu should have a good amount of counters built up on your Lightning Coils. Wait till one of their turns, and get rid of your last
creature(s) needed to get all 5 on it. The turn your 5 3/1's with haste come out is beatdown time.

If you have had your disciples out for a while, I am sure your opponent has taken some damage already. But this turn is the game ender. Tap all of your tokens (besides the 3/1s) for Loadstone. Crusher is huge by now, so him and Loadstone already do some serious damage. After you tap them all, sac them for megatog. This will make him Ridiculously huge and the Disciples will ping him for however many artifacts you saced. To review: Loadstone, Crusher and Megatog are bigger than his life points most likely are, the disciple(s) have most likely done 10 damage or more and the 3/1s didn't even go in yet.
With the 3/1s following your atog and beefy artifact creatures into play it is a sure victory. And if they still arn't dead, sac the 3/1s with the atog to make the Disciples ping a little more. I use this combo, sometimes with less, sometimes with more creatures, and it always leads to at least clearing their whole army out. I have had my megatog do 70+ damage all by himself. Too bad the Disciples killed them first.

Now you see, there are many combos in this deck. By just having an Atog, a Disciple and a Machine you can force them into submission. The shaprenl blasts come into play too as the help feed the disciples and do a nice 5 damage. And if somehow, someway you can't get enough artifacts out, or your Rust Elemental is eating up too much of your precious artifacts, don't forget all 10 of the artifact lands. That alone with 2 disciples can kill them. Wait a minute! The Rust Elemental Activates the Disciples autmatically! Can we say, "Beatdown?"

But if sacing isn't your mantra, use the Nim Shrieker (Who is probably a
11/1 by them time they can do anything about it) and Rust Elemental to swoop in for the kill. This deck is a good defense against ground as well as air attacks. The only problem that the avid deck builder may see is the lack of removal... But, if you havn't noticed the colors I chose then you should hang up your deck and quit. Have you ever heard of Terminate? Shock? Terror?
All low costing removal. If you realy want to, take out the two mana Myrs and add in terminates.

So in conclusion to this decklist/strategy I would highly recommend using atogs. Mirrodin and Darksteel were built for Atogs. So, happy building.
(Send all questions, comments, or ideas to the E-mail below.)

-The Ed Man-

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