Mindslaver Combos





I just got a playset of Slavers, and they are total ownage. Why the pojo.com COTD people said it suck is beyond me (or is it just that bieng a casual player does that to you, makes bad cards look good?) Anyway, there are endless combos with Slaver, and I'll say my favorite three.


Slaver+ You bieng a desperate guy trying to get to the next round of tourney or win a bet

Slaver them, and force them to give up. They will hurt you, so run after you do this.


Slaver+ Opponent's burn spells

My friend uses a burn deck, and I love slavering him and make him burn himself. This will also get people to hurt you.


Slaver+ Bringer of the White Dawn

Bring back slaver every turn, break it, control. If you can maintain 4, you won. My friend killed me with this so often.

