From Scrub to Pro
by Samuel de Paiva Pires
I have been playing Magic since Legacy,and back then
there were only 4 to 6
players(including myself and another friend of mine) in
my area(a small
village near Lisbon)and in my school only 3(including
myself and another
friend of mine, anyone else with a feeling of "déjā
vue" or just my
impression?)I first started because this friend of
mine(Sérgio)gave me some
cards and we just didnīt knew to play the game(back
then he was just a
collector and had about 1000, or so, cards) so we just
made mistakes that
any pro would laugh himself to death!We didnīt had
Internet,just computer
but no Internet, so we werenīt netdeckers, we made our
own decks. I bought
"Crusher"(from Legacy) and the Brian Selden
1998 World champion deck. My
first deck was something based around Recur-Sur but i
wasnīt playing the
deck well(errata cards,and sometimes when i am
explaining to a casual player
what a card does because it has errata, i just drive
myself nuts because
many of them are just scared people who donīt want to
trade their cards(like
myself when i started) always think that they are
right, and donīt
understand the game as a whole)).Then Urzaīs Destiny
came out and we as
scrubs were only thinking:"commons and uncommons
are easier to get and we
dont care about rares" so we made trades that were
just bad!!!!!!Then when
Masques came out , there was a brochure about
tourneys.We decided to go to a
tourney and there we were.I took a deck based around the
"Fiendish Nature"
deck from Destiny because in the strategy book it was
telling that "there is
not much that can resist to this deck"(scrub usual
error, someone says them,
this is a great deck,or card and they just get crazy
saying that they could
win to anyone with it ) but i hadnīt got all the cards
from the Advanced
version so i threw green,black,white and red onto the
deck.It was so crappy,
but it was a 63 cards deck.My friend took a blue-black
designed by him that
was a 90 cards deck!!!!It was an Extended Tournament,
and i met some really
nice guys, the first i played against , thought me some
valuable things and
recently i traded with him , i got a foil pre-release
Overtaker(But i would
rather the Avatar of Hope that he also had). It was 6
rounds for everybody
to play. I went 1-5 and my friend went 1-4 because the
last of his opponents
drop out. We went back home and we were amazed on how
many cards the shop
had and guys with binders full of rares(the first card
we saw that was only
to be seen and not to sell was a signed Black Lotus). We
cranked up some new
ideas and we started making another decks.I got a pure
Green(used to be my
favorite color but now i havenīt got any, so now people
that see my binder
are always wanting to get my green cards,i have lots of
good ones), and i
really saw the potential of Blastoderm.The deck was
based around Weatherseed
Treefolk and one of my favorites, Thorn Elemental.I only
had 2 of each but
it was enough because the deck was based around mana
critters, pumpers and
tough creatures.I sometimes knocked my opponents out so
fast that i was
amazed with all the victories i was getting, but there
was one that started
playing Magic a week before and i just loved to play
against him. I just
never gave him a chance(you will understand why in the
end) and always let
him get me down to 5,eventually 2 or 3 life while he
still was at 20 and
then i just beat him with 2 Thorns pumped up by 2 giant
exactly 20 damage to him, .I was getting from 6 to 10
wins a day and 0
losses against all my friends.Then we met a guy in our
school that we just
didnīt know that he played Magic.He has about 10000
cards,and got 57 at
GP:Portugal in 1998,where about 800 people went. We
started playing
multiplayer in my school(i love this format when i am
playing control, as
anyone else in the whole world!).Well then me and Sérgio
got to know Inquest
and he instead of having 40 rares he had 150.Well we
were good players and
the game was starting to suck because there wasnīt many
people playing the
game and no one was competitive enough. Well we got
Internet and i dont need
to tell you why we are two of the best players in my
school and pretty
competitive players at the local workshop in Lisbon. We
arenīt Pros but we
are good damn players, when we see a deck that we like
on the net we just
playtest it and do some modifications if
needed.Currently we are using Tom
Guevinīs skies deck but with some changes(took out the
4 opt(really cool,but
we needed the slots)added 3 maindeck Waters and 2 Air
elemental,making it a
61 cards deck and adding 3 chill to the sideboard
because sligh is pretty
common in our metagame).
And what about Pros?What makes them the idols of little
scrubs?Well they were the first to play the game so they
understand it as
almost no one else understands.They are calm and
"cold" players who donīt
give a damn if their opponent is a scrub or no(at least
lots of Pros).Their
main concern is about winning Big Prize tournaments so
casual players get
frightened when they get a Pro on his pairings(like me
in my first
tournament).Pros dont make silly trades like this: I was
wanting that foil
Lin-Sivvi and his Tangle Wire of another friend of mine
and what i gave
him?Two Bargains Two Plaguelords,some black commons and
uncommons. Pretty
good deal hu? Also Pros have decks that almost play by
themselves and as
many Pros play perfectly or close to perfectly, they
know when they are
gonna lose or win, once they know what is their next
matchup. Lesson from
here? Casual players are rogue players who want to get
fun playing the game
and donīt even want to get on the way of a Pro. There
are two types of
Pros:The fun and kind ones, and the ones who just care
about winning and
nothing else. So go on with your ideas,build your decks
but when you feel
the game is starting to suck just go to a tourney and
take a look on the
net.Then you become a hell of a good player.(unless you
are not a normal
human been, and donīt learn with your errors*lol*)
Keep that in mind and also keep that dream of yours of
becoming a Pro and be
about one of the famous players in the whole world, and
Magic will never
Here is another about Skies:
Blue Skies in T2,best deck?I think so.
I was wondering what changes to do to my already
modificated Skies from Jay
Elarar on top 8 Chicago when i saw Tom Guevinīs article
about Skies.I liked
the deck but i was getting some losses to Fires,and
"The Red Zone", but now
i just seem to constantly beat these decks.And on the
mirror match it
becomes even easier to deal with them.Against U/W
Control, and Rebels i
havenīt tested it yet;Against Skies it has done well
too,because its a new
version beating the older ones that i know so good.
Here is the deck:
21 Island
3 Sky Diamond
4 Gush
4 Wash Out
4 Foil
4 Thwart
4 Troublesome Spirit
4 Rishadan Airship
4 Spiketail Hatchling
4 Chimeric Idol
3 Rising Waters
2 Air Elemental
4 Withdraw
4 Submerge
4 Disrupt
3 Chill
My email is samuel.paiva@clix.pt