Crushing Waters
Before I, Joel Ruiz get started today I would like to
say congratulations to
Christine Amaral for making top 8 in Costa Mesa and
Scott my services will
not be Terminated. Anyways the rogue deck of mine
that I decided to analyze
today was a waters deck which takes after an older combo
which is not seen
today. I chose a waters deck since i realized the
power it could have
against the vast decks that tap out in the mid-game.
I also was very fond
of waters when it first was released in Nemesis and have
taken a liking to
it since. The main idea of this deck was to like
most decks beatdown with
large creatures and follow that up by disrupting their
mana supply. Well
heres the deck followed by the ever present card by card
analysis. It is a
very basic design.
Chrushing Waters:
4 Fact or Fiction
4 Brainstorm
4 Rising Waters
4 Waterfront Bouncer
4 Blastoderm
4 Mungha Wurm
4 Birds of Paradise
4 Llanowar Elves
4 Chimeric Idol
4 Rishadan Port
2 Rhystic Cave (my secret tech)
3 City of Brass
9 Forests
6 Islands
Now the card by card
Fact or Fiction:
Hands down the best card drawer in type 2 right now.
With FoF you can draw
at least 3 cards if you want to. Better yet FoF
costs only one blue mana to
cast and fits in easily as a third turn play. Any
deck with blue should
have this card in it except Skies.
Costs only one blue mana and if you don't draw a mana
producer you can
always cast this. The real reson this is in the
deck is because you need to
draw waters in certain matchups and it cheaply gives you
card advantage.
Always put lands back on top or if not a land then a
card you don't need.
Rising Waters:
The heart and soul of the deck can shut down near any
deck with a port and a
mana producer. Consistentley tap their land and
you keep them in a lock
that most decks cannot stop with one land. Against
white and hull breaches
make sure to keep them locked even if it means missing
creature drops
because nothing is worse than the loss of waters.
This also has good
synergy with Mungha Wurm since you only untap one land
anyways plus you get
a 6\5 in the process. And if you have ports and
idols usually you want to
keep the game locked and save the idols to win the game.
Waterfront Bouncer:
The original MBC deck ran tons of bounce since most
creatures were expensive
and that could keep them locked down. In type 2
now this deck sees less
need for bounce except against fires and for bouncing
mana producers. This
works much better in this deck because now it can afford
to run more card
Once again a set of derm' have found their way into
another one of my decks.
They are the best and belong in every green deck
in Type 2.
Mungha Wurm:
This is incredibly powerful when combined with rising
waters and is most
likely to be your game ending creaturebecause of it's
sheer power. If your
playing a control deck though side these out for Kavu
Birds and Elves:
This deck needs mana producers I think more than any
other and the birds and
elves easily fit the bill for this. Like most
decks these are run to
increase speed but now they are also used to help keep
the waters-port
lock and leave them with no land untapped. Birds
are also great besides
producing any color mana especially for bouncer but to
avoid quakes.
Chimeric Idol:
A must have in any agressive deck since it can avoid
many key mass
destruction spells. Make sure though to keep the
waters lock on to prevent
artifact/enchantment destruction which is crucial for
opossing victory.
Rishadan Port:
Best non-basic land in type 2 right now is what I say.
Is a must in this
deck since it keeps opponents tapped out and lets you
bring in your power
cards for the kill. Also helps protect waters by
keeping them tapped out.
Rhystic Cave:
This is my secret tech since the opponent almost nevers
pays the mana and if
they do it becomes a port in itself. So far in
playtesting it has worked
quite well.
City of Brass:
Since there are no oppossing color lands I had to go
with these chimeric
idol hated lands and they serve as your pain land.
Forests and Islands:
I choose so many basic lands because I don't want to be
dust bowled away.
4 Kavu Chameleon(any control decks)
4 Perish(green decks)
4 Tsabo's Decree(rebels)
3 Gainsay(control)
Cheap players can usually afford this since most of the
rares in the decks
are cheap and easy to find.