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White Weenie
Onsalught v2.0
by The Doofy Deck
White Weenie Onslaught Version 2.0 - By John Hornberg
(AKA The Doofy Deck
But why 2.0, John? There never was a 1.0!
Because I felt like it, now be quiet and read!
Also, and I hope Pojo is okay with this, in order to
keep my name sononomous
with the word "inexperience," I have made my
web name the Doofy Deck Builder
over my real name. You people should be glad I
took that over -!
Oh, wait! I'm not allowed to say that!
Trust me, this article illustrate the personality,
hoo, hoo! Both the
inexperience and the insanity! Hoo, hoo!
Also, keep in mind, It sounds better to me when I read
it, because I know
how to make it funny. It takes a special kind of
reader to do so, and I
hope you are. If you aren't, just enjoy it and
We are all here to learn, aren't we?
This article is ment to show those of you lucky people
what an ideal White
Weenie Onslaught deck should look through the eyes of
the the all knowing
Doofy Deck Builder.
Well, not all knowing.... Okay, okay, so I'm a doofy
Sacramentan who plays
Magic (A very odd combo), big deal! Here's the deck:
Creatures (18)
4 Soltari Trooper
1 Soltari Champion
4 Soltari Foot Soldier
1 Fountain Watch
4 Long Bow Archer
1 Soltari Visionary
3 Benalish Trapper
Instances (3)
2 Enlightened Tutors
1 Scour
Artifacts and Enchantments (19)
2 Crusade
4 Glorious Anthem
2 Opalescence
4 Empyrial Armor
1 Worship
5 Rune of Protection: - (One of each: Red, Green, Blue,
Black, White)
1 Pearl Medallion
Lands (20)
2 Ruins of Trokair
3 Forbidding Tower
1 Serra's Sanctum
2 Quicksand
12 Plains
Cool, huh?
Now, I'm going to go card by card, and I'll try to keep
it as good as
possible, while mixing in a few bits of strategy.
That probably means it'll stink, but bare with me, okay.
The point of the deck before I go card by card is
obviously White growth,
the highly unheard strategy that involves playing
enchantments to bulk up
Wow (Say it with a long o, like Ben Stein).
This kind of deck is rarity among the extended
community, especially with
the Cataclysm/Sotlari Priest strategy out there for
everyone's taking.
My strategy could be more potent, but that one is a lot
better when it comes
to sticking red with a creature it can't do anything
But not this one! I have a way around that because
guess what? ... THIS
AHH HAA HAA HAA HAA! Ooo, a tear comes to my eye just
laughing about that!
Here are the major contributors to this deck:
Crusade - The age old classic. We all love crusade, and
since is an
additional bonus of putting certain 2/2's such as
Meddling Mage out of the
horrid Shock's reach. The downside is that it only
effects White creatures,
so if by some weird reason you come up with another
creature, oh, let's say
blue, it's still what ever it was when you got it.
Another problem with
Crusade is that it effects all there creatures too!
This can be a recipe
for disaster when it comes to white against white, or
against your deck
against Blue/White control.
Yes, I'm going to kill all your speed, AND I'll take
advantage of that
Avoid this by playing some form of brick wall, be it an
enchantment like a
C.O.P., a R.O.P., or even an actual wall.
Glorious Anthem - Same deal, and I play four of these
over crusade for one
simple reason - these were more readily available than
Yes, it's the old 'If they don't have it, there's always
some other form of
it' routine.
You'll find that a lot with certain cards, especially
with Demonic Tutor and
Vampric Tutor.
Empyrial Armor - The big one. The great one.
They are in for it if you can
run four of these bad boys! "Maro-Armor's"
goal is extremely basic - play
as few lands and spells as possible to keep the creature
as large as
I haven't met one opponent who liked having a a nice,
fat 12/12 Sotari Foot
Soldier coming at them.
Huge shadows, not pleasant.
The major point of all the cards above is to make it so
burning my creatures
a complicated task, as opposed to a simple shock, or
even Kindle.
Have I mentioned I've been Kindeled to death?
Very Unpleasent. It goes 2, 3, 4, 5 and then wham! Your
dead with some other
propostorous burn spell.
Here, Shadow is another crucial part of the strategy.
It allows you to get
around people's Blasoderm's and various big walls,
because there are no
shadow walls to my knowledge, and last I checked, the
ever great Blastoderm
didn't have shadow.
It had fading.
Yes, people go on about how great Blastoderm is, and
yet, it's so easy to
get around with a shadow. Hmm, that's odd.
There are creatures that can block shadow, but the only
place you'll see
them is in sideboards. So the threat is minimized.
Of course, we need non
Shadow creatures to do some dirty dirty cleaning, like
oh, let's say GETTING
Here are the rutheless slobs responsible for racking up
the damage for the
home team! (heh, heh. Shut up, John!)
Soltari Foot Soldier - A simple 1/1 shadow.
Nothing else. Not much to look
at. Is only intimidating when you put Empyirial
Armor on it. It's only
real purpose is to provide quick creatures.
Soltari Trooper - A 1/1 for two mana that becomes a 2/2
when it attacks. A
little better performer than the card makes it out to
Soltari Champion - In to add the extra ump in the
attack, the extra kick in
the back side to overcome an opponent. Only one is
needed because it's not
ment to be a huge contributor.
There are a few middle ground creatures, as well.
They do some of the clean
up, like enchantment destruction.
Soltari Visionary - Two things make him great - His
shadow, and his ability
to blow up enchantments. Makes cards like Disenchant
Longbow Archer - A two white first striker, for whom is
a 2/2, that can
shoot flyers down. Very helpful when you look at
the rest of the deck and
And of course, our resident defenders to protect things
from people.
Benalish Trapper - The tap ability that he has can save
games. The "Trapper
Effect" keeps rancid things like Avatar of Will
tapped when it attacks,
adding in a semi-Ice Floe'ish like ability if you are
willing to spend the
white mana each of your opponent's turns. This
doesn't solve the Blastoderm
problem, but there are other protections for the
Blastoderm problem, like
R.O.P. Green.
Fountain Watch - Shields the enchantments. Now,
especially with Opalecence,
it makes my enchantments suseptable to Burn as well as
the Black "Kaboom!"
effect. This prevents it, and at a sturdy 4
toughness it is hard to take
Before you forget about sorceries and instances, you
must remembeer that
there is a great purpose for them.
Yup, all three of them!
Enlightened Tutor - Yes, get's me what I need, when I
need it, like a R.O.P.
or that Opalescense that will make for a horrid beating
of the opponent. No
white deck should be without it, because no white deck
should be without
some form of inhibiting enchantments, much like blue
with counterspell's.
Scour - Bring me your Moats! Watch me throw the sponge
in it. Then who's
Then there are the add-ins and other what nots that help
with little meanies
like Blastoderm.
Here they are:
R.O.P. - All five colors, and they cycle! Play
this over C.O.P. becase of
the cycling ability, and the best part about these
cards, and this makes me
all warm in side, it .. DOESN'T TARGET THE CREATURE!!!
Take that Blastoderm!
And you too, Creature with Diplomatic Immunity!
The last resorts of the deck, and when not needed, they
cycle for a card
that should be more useful.
Pearl Medallion - An artifact that knocks down spells,
I'll take that over
the familiars, despite the better deal I get from the
Worship - Give me a better card for this deck, and I'll
give I'll give you
the meaning of life. Worship is one of the better
suited cards for this
deck, especiially since I don't run Cataclysm, another
one of the gratest
cards or all time!
One is good because I obviously can get it with the
Enlightened Tutor.
Now for the lands. Wee, the baby stuff!
Plains - Well, what else am I going to play, forests!
No, no, no, Islands!
Or maybe Swamps! Pfffft! You'd have to be extemely
dense to forget the
It's like that old lady in the old commercial, who
popularized the phrase,
"Where's the Beef!"
Yeah, me saying, "Where the plains?!?"
There's a sight.
Forbidding Tower - The extra land that makes a nice big
creature to stop
Blastoderm. Everything's about stopping Blastoderm
because everyone plays
It maybe Forbidding Watchtower, I forget, and I don't
want to reach for my
deck right at the second, just remember that it's in
Urza's Legacy.
Quicksand - Helps to shoot down such things as Rootwater
Thief and other
rotten annoyances of the sorts.
Serra's Sanctum - What we call, "Mana
Reproduction." Go figure, 19
enchantments, Tell me this doesn't this fit!
Ruins of Trokair - Speeds up Mana, and, yes, I am quite
aware of that there
is a card called Remote Farm that is a little better.
You can control mana
a little better with this, but Remote Farm is perfectly
Well, that covers everything! Keep in mind when
playing this deck, when it
comes to sacking the Ruins, if you can speed up your
play by doing it, then
No waiting in this deck, because waiting will get you
Okay, here's my little Afterward comments for you.
What I was trying to do,
wasto provide strategy with a spash of stupid humor, and
if it worked, let
me know. If you hated it, let me know. I'm open to
comments. Please, though
be detailed. Tell me why you disliked it. Tell me
WHY you liked it. I want
to know!
Before I sign off, I must give a few prop's and slop's.
I read Spike's Scrub
article, and prop's to him! It takes a lot to tell
a mass of people that
they need to improve something. Not to mention
that I came from pokémon
about nine months ago, and I was a both a newbie and a
I'll admit it. My Warped Devotion article just
And slops to Star City, those critics are obviously
wrong. It was rather
harsh to come down on a relatively new sight, and
if I could be more vulgar
and mean, I would, but I have common sense, and won't.
There, NOW I can sign out!
Signing Out,
John Hornberg, the Doofy Deck Builder
A reminder to the reader - If your going to send me an
e-mail, send it to
and remember that I, being the paranoid, snotty