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Paladins and
Permanents in T2
by Tyler Carls
Hey there to
everyone out there reading this. I was going through the
for 7th and saw that the 4 Paladins(North, South,
Eastern, and Western) were
reprinted. The idea took awhile to hit me but then as I
picked up a stack of
commons desperately trying to find 4 Armadillo Cloaks
for my deck I came
across another neat common: Tidal Visionary. For just a
U you get a 1/1 that
changes a creatures color for just a tap. Then pay WW
and kill said creature.
Now since there are still a few creature light decks we
throw in the easily
acquirable Blind Seer who changes target permanent for
just 1U and then use a
paladin to kill said permanent. I figured this is all
Blue and White which
means we can take this already control theme and make it
a new sort of
control deck. Being that the deck is B/W we throw in
some counters and card
draw and were good to go. If you want card by card
advantage I'll add it
later. Here's my experiment so far.
4 Tidal Visionary
4 Blind Seer
4 Northern Paladin
4 Southern Paladin
4 Counterspell
4 Absorb
4 Fact or Fiction
4 Accumulate Knowledge
4 Millstone
4 Adarkar Wastes
4 Coastal Tower
6 Plains
10 Island
Card by Card analysis
Tidal Visionary/Blind Seer: 1/2 the combo is based
around their color
Northern/Southern Paladin: Other half of our combo(Yes I
thought 8 Paladins
might be a bit much but the deck kind of sucks if you
can't find one).
Counterspell/Absorb: Makes control for the big nasties
this deck will have
problems with(Blastoderm anyone?). Also allows for us to
make sure no one
gets a Wrath through to mess us up. NOTE: THESE CAN BE
FoF/Accumulated Knowledge: Makes up for the light amount
of counters by just
being ridiculously effective in keeping your hand full
of 'em.
4 Millstone: More of a space filler than anything else.
Either way it's
always nice to have a backup win condition if the first
one craps out. By the
way the first win condition is actually dealing damage
after you've cleared
the board of their creatures. I recommend you try Blind
Seer for this job
since he is the only one who doesn't tap to use the
The Land: The Coastal Tower and Adarkar Wastes just seem
right since they
make both colors and this deck is very color dependent.
For the basic lands I
use this simple formula. Count every U on every card
then count every W on
every card(so Northern Paladin added a total of 8 white
to the white total
and the Tidal Visionary added a total of 4 blue to the
blue total. Add both
totals together in your head. Then take either total and
divide by the sum of
the two colors. Multiply by the number of lands this is
going to use(in this
case 16 since we don't count the dual lands).I'll show
you how this works
right now.
Blue: Visionary=4 Seer=4+4=8 Counterspell=4+4=8
Absorb=4+4=8 FoF=4 Knowledge=4
4+8+8+8+4+4= 36
White: Northern=4+4=8 Southern=4+4=8 Abosrb=4
20+36=56 total
Blue--36/56=.6428572 with the 428571 repeating. Multiply
this by 16.
.6428571*16=10.28571428571 with 428571 repeating. Round
that off and you get
10 island. Use the same idea for plains if you want to
be sure. I'm not going
to waste your time on a sideboard since that all depends
on the metagame.
Tyler Carls
Sorry I don't know how to make hyperlinks. Feel free to
playtest. Please send
me the results including the exact version you played
and the type of deck
they played. If the went rogue give me a vague idea.
Please only send version
that are all T2.