Marvel VS Card of the Day
A Child
Named Valeria
Marvel Origins
Date Reviewed: 4.28.04
Constructed Average Rating: 3.25
Limited Average Rating: 1.80
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

* Game Store owner in
CA, ShuffleAndCut
This is quite the interesting
card. At first glance, it's complete crap.
The FF ability is pretty decent, but requires
two characters in play to even use. The
Doom ability isn't quite as good, but a little
easier to use. Now you generally can't use
both in the same deck. So....are looks
deceiving, or is the card actually playable and
good? The answer is relative, and sadly
enough, relative with the strength of your
environment and actual play skill.
If you're a newbie, or are playing with
newbies, forget about it. If you are a
tournament-level player playing against other
tournament level players, then you're looking at
gold. Just a couple uses:
#1 - Counter your opponent's Flame Trap.
The FF use will completely stop Flame Trap from
doing anything to you. FF decks have the
problem of going out fast and being susceptible
to major removal like this. Playing the 1
drop Invisible Woman and the 2 drop Mr.
Fantastic makes this card really, really solid.
#2 - Can be used early on defense to insure a
wicked counter-response on attack. If they
can't stun you, you will have the advantage.
#3 - Stun out a weenie after finding another
way to stun another character. Remember,
if they have 2 or more stunned creatures they
will probably be saccing one or more of them at
end of turn.
You'll find a large variety ways to use this
potent puncher.
In limited, it's pretty hard. You
obviously have to go FF or Doom to even work,
and even then, it might be pretty hard.
Just a little too situational.
Limited: 1.5
Current Price: $6.49 |

* game store
owner in CA, ShuffleAndCut |
This is another one of those cards at first
glance I didn't think much of. Once I saw it
used I realized how powerful it really is. In
Fantastic Four this is a great counterspell to
flame trap. Also in mid game allows Fantastic
Four to keep its characters from getting stunned
in order to build the team up and gain control
of the field. This card helps make the Fantastic
Four deck one of the top decks in the field.
In limited it seems to hard to pull off for the
Fantastic Four ability, but I can see the Dr.
Doom ability being somewhat useful.
This card is a good late pick.
Constructed: 4
Limited 2 |

*game store employee
Good in two types of decks. In my opinion,
this would be better in a Fantastic Four deck
than in a Doom deck, but even in a Doom deck,
the ability to stun a small character
shouldn't be overlooked, due to the fact that
the small characters are most often the ones
with the pesky abilities.
In the Fantastic Four deck, though, this can
help against the loss of endurance due to
stunning that may happen in a deck with lots
of little characters (which is where you would
want this). It needs both characters out to be
effective, but it is a great effect to have if
you have them.
In limited, the card pool won't usually have
both Mr. Fantastic and Invisible Woman, so the
greater effect is lost. But there are many
ways to control Dr. DOom, so it may be of use
Constructed: 4
Limited: 3.5
Matthews |
A nice card but not
overly impressive. I just don’t get that excited
when I look at it. In a Deck your options are
just better. In Fantastic Four decks its just
not as dependable because you have to have both
Invisible woman and Reed Richards. I may be
wrong but I don’t really like it and I
definitely wouldn’t draft it.
Constructed 2
Limited 1 |
Paul Hagan |
When you are playing the version of Fantastic
Four that utilizes equipment, this card is
some good, since you'll be playing Mr.
Fantastic (Subtle Hint: Invisibile Woman, Sue
Storm goes in every Fan-Four deck). It pretty
much screws up your opponent's game plan for
at least one turn, or provides you with a very
fun turn of attacking. The fact that it
doesn't benefit 4+ drops hurts it a bit, and
the requirement for having both characters out
hurts more.
With Dr. Doom, I don't like this card and I
wouldn't play it. It is *so* limited and it
eats up a slot that could just as well be used
for a Finishing Move.
In limited, this card is awful. You rarely
will be able to satisfy the first part of the
text regarding Mr. Fantastic and the Invisible
Woman, and the Doom portion is still so
limited in its scope that its not worth
playing. Pick Cover Fire over this card
unless you're rare drafting. In any draft I'm
doing, A Child Named Valeria gets Cheerleader
status -- it sits on the sidelines and cheers
the good cards on.
Constructed Rating (Fan-Four): 3.0
Constructed Rating (Doom): 1.5
Limited Rating: 1.0