Q's Universe
5.17.04 Evo
Characters: 31
4x Boliver Trask
5x Wild Sentinel
12x Sentinel Mark IV
3x Nimrod
4x Master Mold
3x Magneto (7)
Plot Twist: 22
3x Burn Rubber
4x Cover Fire
4x Combat Protocols
4x Reconstruction Program
4x Relocation
3x Savage Beatdown
Locations: 7
4x South American Sentinel Base
3x Underground Sentinel Base
I don’t think any team can currently offer as many
different deck archetypes as this affiliation can. I’ve
seen a lot of Sentinel decks and come to the realization
that everyone has their own very unique version and play
style for this affiliation.
The very first deck I ever built with this team was
Swarm (focuses on Wild Sentinels) and it did pretty well
until around turn 4. The major problem with the deck was
that if you couldn’t get Combat Protocols off
consistently you ran into some problems when Mr. Blob or
any other fatties came into play.
The major problem of this variant is the lack of
consistency and card drawing for sentinels. The deck
couldn’t work too well with out getting South American
Sentinel Base early and once you started drawing Wild
Sentinels in the late game while your opponent was
drawing his Invincible Woman, Sabertooth or Dr Doom it
was over. The deck could go off and completely overwhelm
your opponent but it simply wasn’t consistent enough to
be able to survive 5 rounds of a tournament.
This is the variant that focused more around Mark IVs
and didn’t care too much for the early game. The only
two characters the deck could play prior to turn 4 where
Boliver Trask and Longshot. The rest of the characters
consisted of 4 Master Molds, a couple of Bastions and a
ton of Mark IV to be able to use Longshots Ability.
This variant normally does a lot better than Swarm
because decks like brotherhood don’t really start
dropping threats until turn 4 and the 3 drop Quicksilver
is not too much to worry about. With this variant you’re
focusing more on using Longshot to draw as many cards as
you can by always naming Sentinel Mark IV and another
card you might need that you’ll still have 4 copies of
in your deck. Thanks to Longshot the deck runs 4 copies
of most of the cards it’s using so the deck is pretty
consistent… well, as consistent has it can get while
still running Longshot.
The major advantages this built has over Swarm are that
it can use Underground Sentinel Base a lot better and
that Mark IVs are not as easy to stun as Wild Sentinels
which also helps with breakthrough damage.
Evo is more or less a hybrid of Swarm and Mark’s Reunion
I’ve been working on for a couple of weeks. I’ve always
liked sentinels as a whole and can’t complain about
always having Flight and Range on my side.
Evo’s built is closer to Mark’s Reunion than Swarm but
it still has its unique touch to it. I’m personally not
a big fan of Longshot and would rather have a couple of
Wild Sentinels to help boost Mark IVs. I also run Nimrod
in this variant because I personally feel he’s a must in
just about every Sentinel deck. He makes a good wall and
buys you some time so that when you drop Master Mold
you’re not about to lose. I think the most radical
addition to this deck and what makes it stand out from
others is Magneto, Master of Magnetism. He’s there
because Sentinels don’t have any really late game
characters and I’m not a big fan of Bastion because his
ability is not that great and he normally drops on turn
7 anyway thanks to Master Mold. Magneto gives the deck a
late game finisher and makes for a good wall for Mark
IVs or Wild Sentinels looking for a place to hide.
This variant doesn’t really do much until turn 3 other
than drop Boliver Trask. This deck doesn’t like playing
Wild Sentinels until turn 3 to ensure some of them will
actually stay in play to be able to boost your first
Mark IV. Besides a few points of damage is not worth
sacrificing a Wild Sentinel over. And don’t forget that
the Wild Sentinels will also help your Cover Fires so
you can keep your Mark IVs from getting stunned.
Most players know to rush a Sentinel deck because once
the game hits turn 6 things could get ugly. To make sure
you can survive and early rush you have Cover Fire to
increase your characters defense, Burn Rubber to keep
your opponent from dealing you a ton of breakthrough
damage after running over Boliver or a Wild Sentinel and
Relocation can help you deal with Lost City, Antarctic
Research Base and even the Danger Room.
This deck’s way to victory is Mark IVs and good old
Master Mold if he decides to make an appearance. The
great thing about this version is that unlike most
Sentinel decks this variant can win with out Master
Mold. Of course it helps if you get him in play but even
if you can’t draw him you don’t worry about it too much.
Mark IV’s, Nimrod and the Under Ground Sentinel base is
enough to win a game. There have been times when I’ve
had to activate Underground Sentinel Base on turn 5 to
recruit and extra Mark IV even tough I had Master Mold
in hand and there is nothing wrong with doing that.
If you NEED to use the Underground Sentinel Base before
you can get a chance to play Master Mold then do it.
There’s no point in taking a beating that could have
been avoided on turn 5 to play Master Mold on turn 6 and
loose the game that same turn or the next. Don’t forget
that having 2 Mark IVs and a Nimrod or 3 Mark IVs on
turn 5 is more than enough to keep your opponent at bay.
You should be able to trade blows with your opponent
starting on turn 4 and that’s when the deck’s just
getting started. Turn 5 is usually your best turn so
even if you get stuck on odd turns it won’t be too bad.
Try not to use the Underground Sentinel Base until you
can drop Magneto but if you have to use it before then
don’t even think about taking a lil damage to be able to
drop Magnus on turn 7. Yes, if you get him in play the
game’s pretty much won but what’s the point if you’re
sacrifices of Endurance end the game prior to turn 7?
This is all I got for now and the only thing I can add
is that if there’s one change I would make to the deck
it would probably be drop the Magneto’s for the 4th
Nimrod and a couple of Mark IVs. Magneto has proven his
worth many times in the past but there have also been
many times when he doesn’t get to see any action thanks
to the Underground Sentinel Base. I personally like
having the late game finisher but play the deck a few
times and see what you think. After all what’s the fun
of playing the game if you’re deck is not reflecting
your play style? ^_^
Q signing off.

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