Q's Universe
Card of
the Week
Antarctic Research Base
Hello there, = )
Each week I will be picking a card to do a detailed
review on. The initial idea for this section was to pick
a card out of the 5 that was reviewed during the week
but I’m open for submissions about cards you feel should
be reviewed and cards you would like to se a review on.
Hopefully I’ll be able to get a pojo e-mail addy so I
can get a chance to hear what you guys would like to see
but until then I’ll keep checking the Marvel massage
board as much as I can.
The card picked for this week is one of my favorite
locations and since I didn’t get to review it when it
was the card of the day I had to take this chance to
give you my views on it.
It’s needless to say how well this location works in
Fantastic 4 (F4) decks because of cards like The Pogo
Plane, The Fantasticar, and either one of the Mr.
Fantastic's. There are also other equipments that work
really well with this card like Dual Sidearms and
Unstable Molecules. They both don’t cost anything to
recruit, are useful and with this card in play they
pretty much turn into a card that says draw a card and
get a secondary additional bonus.
I like how this card can help aggressive and defensive
decks and who can complain about the great card drawing
ability? Even though this location is really good it’s
still not a staple in F4 decks because there are some
variants that go trough other means to get their attack
modifiers, but I’m still waiting for an official Upper
Deck ruling on weather those decks really work or not.
You can call me crazy, point and laugh and do whatever
else you want but I think this card works a lot better
in the Alliance deck than in your average F4 deck. It
was my love for this card and the Fantasticar that
brought the Alliance deck into being and I really do
think this card works a lot better in that deck than in
a F4 deck and here’s why I feel this way.
only hidden draw back about this card is that you need
to have a lot of smaller characters in your deck to
really be able to abuse its card drawing ability. Why
must you have smaller characters you say? Well, in order
to play a lot of equipments you need to have a lot of
character to play those equipments on. The F4
affiliation does have a large amount of characters with
a low recruit cost but you can not build your deck
completely around them and ignore the curve because you
will just get crushed by a Brotherhood deck.
The Alliance deck focuses on having the best low cost
characters in the game and that’s why it can stand a
chance against your normal decks. With a swarm of
characters out there you can play a lot of equipments
and cards like the Fantasticar and the Blackbird simply
work a lot better because you’re getting a greater bonus
out of them.
I do know that Alliance only runs a grand total of 6
equipments and I would normally agree with you that a
deck with only 6 equipments shouldn’t run Antarctic
Research Base in it but I have to disagree this time.
What makes such a big difference you ask? That would
have to be Forge who is an equipment tutoring machine in
this deck archetype. Once you hit turn 5 and have Mr.
Fantastic down you can pretty much tutor for every
equipment in your deck and play it in the same turn.
Once you combine Mr Fantastic, with Forge and this
wonderful location you can get about 10 cards out of
your deck and completely tin it out. Even after you have
already gotten all of your Fantasticars and the
Blackbird you still have the pogo plane to help you tin
out your deck, and since you can use the same engine
over and over again thanks to this location you’ll be
going trough your deck like there’s no tomorrow.
I haven’t seen Antarctic Research Base used in any other
deck archetypes but you can bet your allowance that I
will be looking for more ways to use and hopefully abuse
this card drawing monster of a location. >_^
Q signing off.


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