Q's Universe
Mutant Supremacy
Deck Fix by: IQ
Deck Submitted by: James N
Original Deck
I built this as a flavor deck. X-Men, and Brotherhood,
to take on Sentinels. I am hoping to keep equipment out
of it. Locations, and Plot twists, won't be a problem.
well Ka-Boom will be. Direct damage is the goal here.
38 Characters
4-Lorelei (1)
4-Destiny (1)
4-Bishop (2)
4-Pyro (2)
3-Banshee (3)
3-Wolverine (3)
3-Quicksilver (3)
4-Blob (4)
1-Scarlet Witch (5)
3-Professor X (5)
1-Colossus (6)
1-Mystique (6)
1-Sabertooth (6)
2- Magneto (7)
Locations 4
2-Avalon Space Station
1-Lost City
Plot Twist 18
4-Burn Rubber
4-Flying Kick
4-Suprise Attack
2-Marvel Team-Up
2-Mutant Nation
1-Global Domination
1-Mutant Supremacy
Have you ever had that feeling when you know you’re
trying to make the impossible work but you get so close
that it’ll bug you to death if you just give up on it?
Well, that’s what this deck fix has been doing to me for
about 9 hrs straight now. I had always wanted to build a
burn deck but never really got around to do it and this
e-mail from James was just the excuse I needed to start
working on another fun deck. = )
Everything was going great and I was really pumped about
where the deck was going. The original concept was
combining Pyro and Quicksilver’s (3) abilities with
Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, which allows you
to ready an X-men character but they can not attack the
turn you ready them. I could have careless about the
draw back because this location works really well in a
burn deck because it’ll allow you to use Pyro or
Quicksilver (3) twice a turn and to make the deck more
consistent you have Forge and Advanced Hardware.
Sounds like a good concept doesn’t it? But what happens
when I’m in the middle of putting this deck together? My
brain begins to wonder off and comes back with a really,
really silly idea and here’s how things went.
Brain- Hey Q!
IQ – What?
Brain – You know what would be really cool?
IQ – Other than turning all of humanity into purple
Brain – Yup.
IQ – No idea, what do you have in mind?
Brain – You know that card Mutant Supremacy?
IQ – hmmm… that really bad 5 cost Plot Twist that no one
in their right mind would ever use?
Brain – That’s the one!
IQ – o.0
Brain - ^_^
IQ – >,<
Brain - \m/ ^_^ \m/
IQ – So you want me to build the whole deck around that
Brain – yup yup yup
IQ – You do know that card blows as much as…. nm
Brain – it could work…
IQ – No
Brain – Why not?
IQ – how about common sense?
Brain – But you don’t have any of that.
IQ – Good point but the answer’s still no.
Brain – And you call yourself a gamer?
IQ - >,<
Brain – Whatever happen to trying any deck idea no
matter how silly it is?
IQ - >>.<<
Brain – You should might as well jump online and copy
the decks on there instead of building your own.
IQ – I hate you.
Brain – Hope those decks aren’t too complicated for you.
After all Brotherhood does need a lot of brain power.
IQ – Where’s that bottle of Vodka? I’m putting you back
to sleep.
Brain – Feel like waiting for another stop sign to turn
green for15 mins?
IQ – Fine! I’ll try it but if it’s not gona work.
After kicking the deck list and a million ideas around I
was looking at something that looked a lot like the new
Brotherhood. This deck had a ton of 1 drops and all of
them where different. At first they were supposed to
help War on Humanity but that card was dropped for
Savage beatdown to help stun the real characters your
opponent will be playing. The variety of different
characters stayed because it would help Mutant Supremacy
deal as much direct damage as possible.
Using the few common sense I had left I threw Cyclops
(2) in to the mix, because when you’re talking about a
ton of small X-men running around he just has to be
included. Everyone knows New Brotherhood decks can dish
out a lot of damage before your opponent even gets a
chance to recruit his characters but once he gets them
in play the New Brotherhood is on the clock. In theory
this deck should work really close to a New Brotherhood
deck and once you hit turn 4 or 5 you can start playing
Mutant Supremacy to seal the deal.
In the perfect game you’re gona play the New Brotherhood
turn 1, with some random Brotherhood character and
follow it with Cyclops turn 2 and either Marvel team up
or Mutant Nation. But since perfect hands aren’t drawn
that often you should mulligan if you don’t see a Marvel
team up or Mutant Nation in your first 4 cards because
you need either one of those cards a lot more than you
need The New Brotherhood. You should control the early
game and deal a decent amount of damage because you have
a lot of low drops and Cyclops, The New Brotherhood and
Savage Land should help you out.
If you’re lucky you should be able to team attack
whatever character your opponent drops on turn 4 and his
3 drop shouldn’t too hard to stun. If Beast decides to
make an appearance you could potentially play Mutant
Supremacy on turn 4 for some damage if you really need
it. This deck should have an edge against Sentinels
because your characters will be bigger with Cyclops and
both decks can drop about the same number of characters
each turn. Expect to go head to head Vs sentinels but
Mutant Supremacy should give you an edge.
I haven’t had the chance to build the deck yet but I
will be working on it and would take any suggestions you
guys might have. If you want to reach me you know my
e-mail addy and I’ll take whatever feedback I can get
because in theory the concept should work and it’s just
a matter of finding the right cards that work together
to accomplish what we’re shooting for.
Expect an update on this deck with in a week or to see a
pic of my brain fried as a punishment for not leaving me
alone and making me build this deck. Either way it
should be interesting and you should most definitely
check back. Well, I’m off to continue tracking the lost
bottle of…. eeerr…. Water. ^_<
Revised Deck
Characters: 31
1x Mastermind
1x Lorelei
1x Phantazia
1x Dazzler
1x Moira MacTaggert
1x Shadowcat
1x Longshot
1x Forge
3x Destiny
1x Pyro
1x Nightcrawler
1x Archangel
4x Beast
4x Cyclops (2)
2x Quicksilver (3)
3x Darkoth
4x Sabertooth (4)
Plot Twist: 20
4x Marvel team Up
4x Mutant Nation
4x The New Brotherhood
4x Savage Beatdown
4x Mutant Supremacy
Locations: 9
4x Savage land
4x Genosha
1x Professor Xavier's Mansion
[[DISCLAIMER: I blame this deck idea on the bad
McDonald’s I consumed at Philly.]] -_-;
~Q signing off.


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