Q's Universe
Origins, the Good, the Bad and the
Once again I have been amazed by Upper Deck and their
commitment to run great events. I’m not saying the 10K
and the X-Men #1 tournaments were ran perfectly and that
there where no disappointments but you’ll read about
that later on.
What I do want to mention in this section is that in the
many years of playing in major events I have never, EVER
seen any company out there set up a table with three
judges and have them look over every SINGLE deck list. I
was shocked when I noticed that there were judges
looking over all the deck lists that were turned in to
see if there where any illegal decks out there.
I don’t know if they where doing random deck checks or
not but I did notice they were going up to players who
had turned in an illegal deck list to check if their
deck was illegal or if they had just made a mistake when
writing down the deck list. I know this might not seem
like such a great thing to many out there, but even if
you’re not impressed you should note how much effort
Upper Deck is putting into their major events.
The next thing I must mention is that there was great
coverage of the two major tournaments. I don’t know if
this was done by Upper Deck or not but being able to see
the deck list of most if not all decks in the
tournaments online just a couple of hours after the
tournament had ended is simply AMAZING! I think it was
late Sat night when I got a call from a friend back home
(Tx) telling me he was looking over the deck lists of
the players that played in the 10K.
The last thing I have to mention is that whether you
feel Upper Deck cares about what you think or not about
the game they have shown an interest in what the players
have to say. During the weekend there was a girl running
back and forth with a lap top taking quotes form the
players regarding what DC had to offer and how they felt
about the set. I don’t know what those quotes are going
to be used for or why they were taken but I can assure
you nobody would send one of their representatives to
take quotes and opinions all day if they didn’t care
about what the players had to say.
Now that I have covered my arse by mentioning some of
the great things Upper Deck did at Origins I think I can
get away with a couple of complaints. ^_<
The first one and most important one has to be regarding
some of the volunteer judges they had working on the
floor. I know Vs is still a new game and can see how it
would be a bit difficult for Upper Deck to find
volunteers who are willing to get themselves to the
convention so they can judge all weekend. But there
where a few volunteer judges who either were burnt out
or simply had no idea what the game was about. I heard a
lot of wrong rulings during the weekend and noticed not
everyone requested to call the head judge. I saw players
lose games they shouldn’t have because of bad calls, and
saw some judges that would simply stared at the players
wondering what they were asking them.
Like I said before, I know it’s almost impossible to
find qualified volunteer judges at every location where
a major convention will be happening, but I think
someone needs to tell those judges that if they are not
sure about a ruling as simple as it may seem to ask for
help. I saw too many bad calls and it was obvious some
of the judges had no idea what the OFFICIAL rulings
where but they were still making their own calls. I
don’t know what level a volunteer judge has to be to be
working on the floor at a major event and pray that they
have to be level 2 judges because just about anyone can
pass the online test with a little help from a friend.
The next thing I would like to mention is the
consistency of penalties and how a lot of the higher
level players where shocked at how lenient the judges
were being. I have not read or seen or know if there is
even a judges manual yet but I did noticed some players
get penalized by certain mistakes while other didn’t and
when they did the penalties varied. For example, I heard
about a game loss for illegally recruiting a character
before building (playing a 5 drop on turn 5 while you
only have 4 resources because you played the character
before you played your 5th resource) while I saw two
different penalties being enforced for making the exact
same mistake. One of them was that since you don’t have
to build you were considered to have chosen not to build
so you couldn’t play that character and the other was
that it was ok to take your move back, build and then
play the desired character.
There were a lot of other times during the weekend when
a judge was being too lenient on a certain call and
another judge was being very strict on the exact same
scenario. I heard some of the judges say that they were
being a bit lenient because there were some new players;
the game was still new and so on. I sympathize with
those judges but I wish they would see that you can not
be lenient in a major event where there is a high prize
up for grabs. If it was a small side event I could see
them doing such things to help the new players
understand the rules but if you’re costing a player a
game because you allowed his opponent to back track in a
major event, then we have a problem. Different events
have different K values and the higher the level of the
event and the higher the K value of the event the more
strict the judges should be whether it’s a new player or
a PRO…. in my opinion and that of many high level
[[WARNING: Rant Ahead]]
Here we go.
The following is regarding Upper Deck’s sneak peek DC
events. I love the new set, I think it’s a bit
overpower, I feel it has a very high refresh rate and
that it’s initial sales will be really good for the
company, but I hate the fact that their sneak peek
events were ruined for many players because of the way
they were ran.
Magic was the very first card game I ever played and I
had always dislike playing in their Pre-releases because
you have to open up your product, write down every card
and then turn it in and you get the product some one
else opened. I know they do that to keep players from
cheating or to scare players and make them think they
can cheat. Irregardless, I always thought it was a big
waste of time and that it wasn’t necessary… until the DC
sneak peek events came along.
I participated in the very first sneak peek DC
tournament and I was able to see the following first
hand. There were A LOT of players who were using cards
from their personal collection in their sneak peek decks
and claiming they got those cards in their packs. I
can’t remember how many claims of multiple rares per
pack I hear and to tell you the truth there is no way to
know if they actually got 2 rares in every single one of
their Marvel packs or not. But I did see some of the
players decks get a lot better from game 1 to game 2.
One of the guys sitting next to me in the first round
was very exited about his pulls and allowed me to see
his deck before the first match started. When I walked
by his table during the second match I noticed he had a
7 drop Thing in play which was not in his initial deck
and was not one of the cards he had pulled. But it was
ok because his opponent had managed to pull a Dr. Doom
(4), a Doom (6), Robot Destroyer and Mystical Paralysis.
After I noticed there where a lot of players who had
gotten what one would refer to has god packs with
multiple and very playable rares I decided to drop. I
walked around during a couple of the DC sneak peeks that
followed and saw a decent amount of players adding cards
from their binders to their decks. I think the most
common addition was Dr. Doom, Submariner, Thing (7) or
any other decent 5 drop or higher. At this point I had
to face reality which was either cheat like everyone
else or simply don’t play in any more of the DC sneak
I mentioned to one of the Upper Deck representatives
(not a volunteer judge) what was going on and I believe
his response was “The DC sneak peeks are more like
casual play” or something along those lines. After
hearing that I refused to play in any more of the DC
events even though I really, REALLY wanted to. Everyone
in my group of friends that participated in the DC
drafts mentioned they noticed the exact same thing was
going on and while some of them decided to cheat
themselves others where playing their first game and
whether they won or lost they were dropping because it’s
very aggravating to play against a player who you know
is cheating and you just can’t do anything about it.
It’s really sad that the ongoing joke for the rest of
the weekend and the trip home was “it’s all about going
1-0 drop”.
I hope Upper Deck does something about the problem they
have in their hands and can understand there wasn’t much
they could have done at Origins because they were pretty
much winging the DC events thanks to the large number of
players who wanted to participate in them.


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