Q's Universe
Origins Tournament Report
Part I - July.07.04
As most of you are aware I went to Origins last weekend
to participate in the 10K qualifier and the X-Men #1
Marvel tournament. I was hoping to write a tournament
report on the 10K qualifier but I made the huge mistake
of listening to one of my friends and changed my deck 5
mins before the tournament started. I lost my first two
matches to deck archetypes that my deck would have never
lost to and decided to drop. Since writing about that
tournament would be 500 words max I’ve decided to write
a tournament report on the X-Men #1 event.
I was expecting to see more players in the X-Men #1
tournament than in the 10K qualifier and was very
surprised that there weren’t those many players in the
event that had the bigger pay out. After talking to some
of the players on Saturday I learned that some of them
had booked their flights when they were under the
impression the tournament was going to be on Friday and
their flights were departing on Sunday. I don’t know how
many players where thrown off by that change of dates or
miscommunication error but I have to assume it was a lot
of them because of the lack of players on Sunday.
Anywho, being the smart player that I am I decided to go
out with a bunch of friends I hadn’t seen in a long time
on Saturday night and we were bar hopping until we had
to be dragged to our rooms by the not so drunk members
of our group. I woke up Sunday morning, took a nice cold
shower, managed to dress myself and stumbled to the
convention center. Thank god I had written my deck list
the day before after dropping from the 10K qualifier
because I could barely manage to walk at this point in
time. I was hoping the tournament wasn’t going to
actually get going until around noon because I was
expecting a lot of players to show up but since there
weren’t those many players we actually got started
rather early. >,<
Round 1 Vs Jay D
For some reason I saw a lot of players using Fantastic
Doom decks and I had never played against one before so
I didn’t know what they were trying to achieve or how
thy were trying to achieve it. The first game was a game
to remember, I wasn’t playing too aggressive because I
wanted to see how the deck worked so I could get an idea
to how to play against it. I was expecting it to be a
slow deck and wasn’t sure if he was going to be
aggressive in the mid or late game.
I think the game went to turn 7 and according to my
notes form the match our END totals were really lose
trough out the entire game. When we entered the last
turn of the game we were both of 13 END and I want to
say he had initiative because he was going on odd turns
but I’m not completely sure if the game ended on turn 6
or 7. I would normally be able to remember something
like this but the lack of blood in my alkyhol system at
that time makes the match seem like a blur.
Anyway, it came down to his Doom (6) Vs my Mystique (6)
and we were both at -5 END. It was my attack step and
Doom (6) was the only thing left for me to take down.
The only card in my hand was a Mystique but no lost
City, and I had a used Avalon Space Station with nothing
I could use face down. He hadn’t flipped over a
Doomstadt yet and had 3 cards left in his hand. The only
thing I could do was attack, boost Mystique and pray
that was enough to win me the game. He didn’t have any
way to pump up his Dr. D and there was no Doomstadt
waiting for me, so that ended game 1.
Game 2 was nowhere near as good as game 1. I had
memorized most of his drops and figured his deck wasn’t
that consistent unless he could combine his alliances so
every time I saw an F4 character drop I was out to get
him and make sure he wasn’t gona stick around until next
turn. In turn 4 he had Boris Dr D, Mr Fantastic and
Invincible Woman in play. He used Boris to get a Common
Enemy which told me he probably had at least 1
Fantasticar in his hand, so I sent Sabertooth after Dr.
D and a well timed Flame Trap did the trick to ensure he
wouldn’t seal his alliance. The game ended with me still
at 42 END and after the game he mentioned he drew a
couple of useless Fantasticars on turn 5 because the
Flame Trap kept him from allowing Dr. D to drive the
flying bathtub.
Round 2 Vs Steven A.
This was the second Dn’B (Da New Brotherhood) deck I
faced at Origins. The first one had crushed me on the
previous day when my opponent got 3 New Brotherhoods in
play both games so I was a bit scared to face this deck
in my current condition.
The first game was really close and almost felt like a
mirror match because our drops were the same from turn
two to turn four, except for the New Brotherhoods. I
can’t remember the game too well but according to my
notes he was ahead the whole game by about 5 points.
Going into the last turn of the game I was at 15 END and
he was at 17 END with him having the initiative. The
game ended with me at -1 and him at 8. Wish I could
remember more about this but I can’t remember much other
than the conversations I was having with that green
fairy. 0.o;
Game two was a bit interesting because he scooped on
turn three. I had initiative on odd turns and I had just
played my first character of the game, a Mystique (3).
He had one New Brotherhood and attacked her, I flipped
over Lost City and had to boost her twice to get her out
of stunning range. He tried to take her down again and
when I flipped Avalon Space Station he said I had
managed to get an early set up and that it was going to
be impossible for him to win this game. He gave me the
game and we moved on to game three. Since he didn’t use
a single Ka-Boom! on game one and based on his statement
I started to question whether he played Ka-Booms or not.
Common sense said he had to but quitting the game on
turn three made me wonder so I decided to not hold back
and go all out on game three. If he had Ka-Booms it was
gona hurt because I wasn’t gona wait until I had a
location I would be willing to sacrifice as bait.
On game three he took the initiative and started the
attack with a Mastermind backed by a New Brotherhood. I
knew this was gona be a bad game for me because my only
two drop in the deck was refusing to make an appearance.
Once again I had to wait until turn 3 to get my first
character in play but having a Flame Strap that was
going to go off next turn made things seem a bit better.
On turn 4 we both played Sabertooths, I sent mine after
his and a Flame Trap cleared the rest of his board. I
was able to Flame trap him again on turn six and that
pretty much sealed the deal. The game ended with me
sitting at 18 END while he was on the negative side.
BUWHAHAH!!! Since I’m an evil, evil munkey and I’m
giving you the deck lists of my opponents I will turn
this article into a small novel which will cover my
journey trough the six rounds of Swiss filled with
surprises, drama and much, much more.
Would our hero be able to make the top cut and face the
most elite players the realm of Columbus has to offer or
will he perish trying to become one of those elites
himself? Will he survive this jurney while under the
spell of the wizard Alkyhol? Will he survive his
upcoming duel with his nemesis, the Black Knight of
For the answers to the following questions and the rest
of out champions deck list you must return on the next
day in which this site is to be updated.
The legacy continues. -_-;
Q’s Deck
?x Pyro
3x ????
?x Mystique: Raven Darkholme
?x Sabretooth: Feral Rage
?x ???
4x ???
?x ???
3x ???
?x ???: Victor Creed
?x ???
?x Global Domination
2x ???
2x ???
3x ???
?x Flame-Trap
?x Lost City
?x Avalon Space Station
?x ????
Round 1
Jay D.
4 Puppet Master: Philip Masters
4 Boris: Personal Servant of Doom
4 Invisible Woman: The Invisible Girl
4 Mr. Fantastic: Reed Richards
4 Dr. Doom: Diabolic Genius
3 Thing: Ben Grimm
2 Kristoff Von Doom: The Boy Who Would Be Doom
1 Doom-Bot
2 Dr. Doom: Victor Von Doom
1 Robot Destroyer
1 Sub-Mariner: Ally of Doom
1 Dr. Doom: Lord of Latveria
1 Onslaught: Psionic Spawn of Xavier and Magneto
1 Thing: The Ever-Lovin’ Blue-Eyed Thing
1 Apocalypse: En Sabah Nur
1 Mr. Fantastic: Stretch
4 A Child Named Valeria
4 Common Enemy
3 Faces of Doom
2 Savage Beatdown
2 It’s Clobberin’ Time
2 Cosmic Radiation
2 Signal Flare
2 Mystical Paralysis
2 Acrobatic Dodge
1 Team Tactics
1 Flame Trap
4 Doomstadt
3 Fantasticar
1 Personal Force Field
2 Unstable Molecules
Round 2
Steven A.
3 Quicksilver: Pietro Maximoff
4 Destiny: Irene Adler
3 Rogue: Anna Raven
3 Toad: Mortimer Toynbee
4 Magneto: Eric Lehnsherr
1 Mastermind: Jason Wyngarde
3 Pyro: St. John Allerdyce
4 Sabretooth: Feral Rage
2 Avalanche: Dominic Petros
1 Lorelei: Savage Land Mutate
1 Phantazia: Eileen Harsaw
1 Mystique: Raven Darkholme
4 Not So Fast
4 The New Brotherhood
4 Savage Beatdown
3 No Fear
4 Surprise Attack
2 Ka-Boom!
1 Flying Kick
4 Genosha
4 Savage Land


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