Q's Universe
Origins Tournament Report
Part 3 - July 9, 2004
Round 5 Vs Patrick J.
After the match with Eric I was pretty mentally drained
to say the least and had to walk around for a bit to
return to my normal, crazy self. I got to see a few more
matches of potential opponent’s before the parings for
the 5th round were posted.
I had to play against a deck I wanted to play for a long
time... Berserk. Patrick was running a version of
Berserk with Sabertooths instead of Rogues and was
packing Nigh Vision to help out his Longshot. I told
myself this deck should be a breeze because of all the
location hate I was packing, but I had to be careful
because Berserk can be a bit more consistent than Big
Game one was everything I could have hopped for. I got
the Global Domination early and was able to shut down
his Avalon Space Station and Cerebro. Longshot wasn’t
doing much for him and the game was over before he had
the chance to build up a good offensive. The game ended
on turn six with me still sitting at 34 endurance.
At this point I was very confident about this match up
and was hopping the match wouldn’t go to game three
because I needed to have a few minutes to just grab a
drink and clear my mind. I kept my starting hand because
I had a Lost City and a pair of Genoshas. The fourth
card was a Magneto (7) but it didn’t really matter
because this was a more or less game wining hand. I drew
my first two cards and did my best to contain the joy I
felt when I saw an Avalon Space Station and a Sabertooth
(6). I had all I needed to win this game and now all I
needed was to draw a few characters and the game would
be over. And that’s where the problem laid, I drew ten
out of the twelve locations in my deck by turn six and I
dropped my first character on turn five after pooping a
Genosha. It was a Quicksilver (5) and I didn’t have
another one in my hand to boost him. By now I was at 18
endurance and he had a Wolverine (5), Sabertooth (4) and
a Quicksilver (5) to match mine with a Lost City and a
Marvel Team up face up and a Cerebro. This game was so
very over but I didn’t want to scoop hoping I could draw
a Magneto (5) and make a last stand with him like I had
in the previous match against Eric because I had two
Magnetos (7) in my hand. Magneto (5) didn’t make an
appearance and instead I had to work with a four drop
Sabertooth. I manage to get him down to 32 before he
sealed the deal and that was all there was to it. The
game was pretty boring and rather repetitive, he would
draw a lot of cards, discard some, play a character and
I wasn’t too happy with my deck after that game and was
hopping game three would be better. I had to toss my
starting hand and was happy to see a Pyro after the
mulligan. At least I wouldn’t have to wait until turn
five again to drop my first character. Once again I drew
everything I didn’t need or wanted to draw. Turn four I
got to play Blob and had to go on the defensive to deal
with his Sabertooth (4) and Wolverine (5). I played a
Feral Rage of my own on turn five and followed him up
with a Mystique (6). We both had our set ups but he had
the advantage when it came down to endurance, by turn
six I was at 7 and he was at 19. To make things worst he
had initiative on turn seven which just happened to be
the last turn of the match because time was called. It
all came down to my Mystique trying to take down his
Sabertooth and I had to get at least 1 point of
breakthrough damage because I was at 8 while he was
sitting at 9. I attacked with nothing but a Mystique in
my hand and no other way to boost my Mystique anymore
but he had Sabertooth in his hand and Cerebro gave him
what he needed to keep me from making a come back.
That was it. I was now 3-2 and was currently ranked
13th. I was gona have to win my next match and pray both
of the guys I lost to would win their next games.
Round 6 Vs Chris P.
I knew Chris was playing a Fantastic Four deck and was
pretty sure it was a pure Fantastic Four deck but that
was all I knew because he was normally done by the time
I finished my matches which scared me a bit. The first
game got on and I felt my hear beating faster and faster
as I was seeing a Four Freedoms Plaza deck forming up.
There is no way my deck should ever lose to a Four
Freedoms Plaza deck and I was soooooo very happy Chris
was playing this good, yet underestimated deck. He
flipped over the Four Freedoms Plaza on turn five and
activated it’s ability but I responded with a Global
Domination, which had been face down since turn one.
Chris read the card, looked at me, read the card again
and I believed he asked me… “Who plays that card?”. I’ve
been testing Four Freedoms Plaza decks for a long time
and that was the other deck I was planning to play if I
didn’t use Brotherhood. I know how good the deck is and
am also very aware that it loses to Global Domination
because the deck needs to use the Plaza every turn after
turn five which is the only reason I was using Global
Domination and two Ka-booms and two Relocations instead
of just four Relocations. Like expected the Global
Domination kept him from playing aggressive and a well
times Flame trap in chain to his Child Named V was all I
need to win the game while still sitting at 40
Game two was a bit interesting because I mulligan away a
Lost City to go after the Global Domination. I knew all
I needed to do was get Global Domination by turn five
and the game was over. Once again he got the set up and
used the Plaza on turn five, but all I had for it this
time was a Ka-Boom! To my surprise he had another one
face down which got relocated and when he was able to
Relocated it back there was a Global Domination waiting
for him thanks to Genosha. The game was pretty much a
repeat from game one except that this time he got me
down to 30 endurance before I sealed the deal.
This was the place where I didn’t want to be… the 4-2
bubble. From here on I couldn’t do anything and it was
all down to tie breakers. I searched for the two guys I
had lost to and learned they both lost their 6th match
which was bad news. I finished 11th and that was all
there was to it. Now I must head to San Diego and see
what I can do there. ^,^
Q’s Deck
4 Pyro
3 Quicksilver: Pietro Maximoff
4 Mystique: Raven Darkholme
4 Sabretooth: Feral Rage
4 Blob, Fred Dukes
4 Magneto: Eric Lehnsherr
4 Quicksilver: Speed Demon
3 Mystique: Shape-Changing Assassin
3 Sabretooth: Victor Creed
3 Magneto: Master of Magnetism
1 Global Domination
2 Ka-Boom!
2 Relocation
3 Not So Fast
4 Flame-Trap
4 Lost City
4 Avalon Space Station
4 Genosha
Round 5
Patrick J.
4 Wolverine: Logan
4 Wolverine: James Howlett
4 Wolverine: Berserker Rage
4 Sabretooth: Feral Rage
4 Sabretooth: Victor Creed
4 Quicksilver: Pietro Maximoff
4 Quicksilver: Speed Demon
4 Toad: Mortimer Toynbee
4 Longshot: Rebel Freedom Fighter
2 Night Vision
3 Relocation
4 Not So Fast
4 Mutant Nation
1 Marvel Team-Up
2 Cerebro
4 Lost City
4 Avalon Space Station
Round 6
Chris P.
2 Thing: Heavy Hitter
4 Thing: Ben Grimm
4 Mr. Fantastic: Stretch
4 Human Torch: Johnny Storm
4 Invisible Woman: Sue Storm
4 Invisible Woman: The Invisible Girl
4 Human Torch: Hotshot
1 Hulk: New Fantastic Four
2 Savage Beatdown
3 Overload
4 A Child Named Valeria
4 Signal Flare
4 Cosmic Radiation
2 Tech Upgrade
4 Four Freedoms Plaza
4 Advanced Hardware
1 Personal Force Field
1 The Pogo Plane


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