Q's Universe
Government 101
Characters: 32
4x Harley Quinn
4x Query and Echo
4x Ratcatcher
4x Ventriloquist as Scarface
2x Mr. Zaz
3x Professor Hugo Strange
3x Two Face
4x Firefly
4x The Joker (3)
Plot Twist: 16
4x Rigged Elections
4x Paralyzing Kiss
4x Prison Break
4x Reconstruction Program
Locations: 12
4x No Man's Land
4x Avalon Space Station
4x Genosha
Ever wondered what life would be like if the Joker was
president of the States? I know you think that’s
impossible because the Joker is not a real person but
tell that to the residents of California who live under
the rule of the Terminator. It really makes you wonder
doesn’t it? 0.o;
With that crazy idea out of our heads let’s look at what
this deck tries to achieve. This deck has one goal and
one goal alone, to win via Rigged Elections. I know, I
know, I’m always complaining about decks that are
inconsistent and here I stand with a deck that can’t win
unless you can draw a specific card, and if that wasn’t
enough you have to draw that card by turn three to have
a chance.
The only thing I can say for myself is that this is an
alternate victory condition which means I had to kick
the concept around and whether I wanted to or not I had
to build a deck around it. Yes, I know this deck doesn’t
only automatically lose to the card that everyone and
their grandmother will be playing, Have a Blast. But it
will also frustrate you and make you want to kill your
opponent for waiting to use it until you had 20 counters
on Rigged Election and were already enjoying the sweet,
sweet taste of victory.
I have considered all of that and have grown to hate
Have a Blast more than you can even begin to imagine
because the more games I lost to it the more I wanted to
tweak this deck to perfection. Why you ask?
It’s just one of those times when you find a really,
really, really totally random deck that defies all logic
and that should never, EVER win a single game *cough*
Wild Vomit *cough* but you know deep inside there’s
potential and that one out of god knows how many matches
you’re going to beat one of your friends with it and
that victory will be well worth it.
You know the feeling, that feeling when there’s that one
guy in your store (because there is one at every store)
that is so full of himself and who just loves to talk
trash about how great he is and the more he talks the
more you want to beat him with something this random
just to shut him up if for nothing else.
This deck is that deck, the one that you will use and
everyone will tell you how bad of a deck it is, but the
second they sit across from you they’ll be more afraid
than they have ever been. Not only because they know the
game could be over by turn five or six and there’s
nothing they will be able to do about it if they don’t
draw their Have a Blast by then. What if they’re not
playing four? What if they didn’t think they needed to
pack have a Blast because Ka-Boom! works better against
certain decks? When they play against this deck they’re
not trying to win to try to make the cut, or to try to
win the tournament. They’re playing to win because they
will never live it down if they lose, they can lose this
match and win the tournament but they know that weeks
later everything will be forgot except for one thing…
“That’s the guy that lost to Rigged Elections”.
Now that you know how to freak out your opponent and
throw him off his game let’s look at what this deck can
actually do. The deck itself is not as bad as you would
think and is actually very consistent thanks to Prison
Break. With this deck all you’re trying to do is get a
Rigged Elections in play early in the game, whatever
else you might have in your starting hand doesn’t
matter. No Rigged Elections don’t keep it, I even dare
say not to keep a hand with a Prison Break in it to shot
for the Rigged Elections but that is your call to make
and it’ll all come down to how lucky you’re feeling.
Once you get Rigged Elections in play just play as many
characters as possible and use them to put counters on
Rigged Elections. Don’t worry about attacking,
reinforcing or any of that stuff because you’re in a
race against the clock. The only activated ability on
your characters you should even think about using is the
one on Firefly because he’ll buy you more time by
keeping your opponent’s fatties from dropping.
You have Avalon Space Station and Reconstruction Program
to help you use the Joker over and over again. The funny
thing about the deck is that you need five resources to
get your card drawing engine going but you don’t want to
have more than five resources in play during your
opponent’s attack step so you can use Paralyzing Kiss,
which is why you have Genosha.
That’s pretty much all there is to the deck. I have been
testing it for three weeks now and this is the best
variant I have been able to find which is why I make
this open challenge to everyone out there to come up
with a better variant that wins via Rigged Elections.
Show me what you guys can do and depending on how this
challenge goes there might be more in the future with
goodies as prizes but first things first… find a better
variant. You have 7 days to find one and e-mail it to
me, if a better variant is found it will be posted with
the name of the person who sent it for bragging rights
if for nothing else.
This is Q signing off.


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