VS Deck
Fearsome Five
by Paul
Hey all, and
welcome to another edition of the VS Deck
Garage! I’m finally back on track with my
e-mails, so if you are writing in, you should
have a reply back within a couple of days!
Speaking of writing in, remember that if you
want to see your deck in the VS Deck Garage,
just drop me an e-mail at Hagan0001@aol.com and
include everything you think I should know.
I received a strait Fearsome Five deck this
week, and since I’ve managed to do a Deck Garage
on every team *but* the Fearsome Five in DC
Origins, now was probably the time! Here’s the
e-mail I received:
Please help
4x Neutron
4x Shimmer
4x Jinx
4x Mammoth
4x Gizmo
4x Psimon
4x Dr. Light
4 Kevlar Body Armors
4 Personal Force Fields
4 Escrima Sticks
1 GothCorp
1 X-Coperation
1 Base of Operations
1 Clocktower
1 Liberty Island Base
1 Muir Island
1 Baxter Building
1 Yancy Street
1 Doom's Throne Room
1 Negative Zone
1 ESU Science Lab
Plot Twits
4 The Underworld Stars
4 Gone But Not Forgottens
1x Gamma Bomb
I forgot to tell u its for tourney and i dont
care what u take out or put in as long as i can
Fearsome Five are an interesting team, if only
because you have the upside of having your
characters pre-chosen for you (because there are
so few), but that same fact is a drawback. You
get no selection, really. With this in mind, I
have to leave the characters alone, except for
the addition of a couple of 2-Drops and a couple
of 3-Drops.
If you look at the strengths of Fearsome Five,
they definitely lie in the late game. With this
in mind, I’m throwing in two additional 2-Drops
and two extra 3-Drops to smooth out the
character curve. Those two are both control
characters of a sort: Puppet Master and Rogue.
+2 Puppet Master, Philip Masters
+2 Rogue, Anna Raven
As much as I don’t like jumping into other
teams, it seems somewhat necessary with only
four 2-Drops and four 3-Drops in the deck.
Because we have a card that allows us to hunt
down a Fearsome Five character (Underworld
Star), we can trim down the 6- and 7-Drops to
just three each, giving us a little bit more
room to breath.
-1 Dr. Light, Arthur Light
-1 Psimon, Dr. Simon Jones
In their place, why not throw in Apocalypse, En
Sabah Nur? With Shimmer, Puppet Master, and
Rogue, we have plenty of control elements, and
as we see with Doom decks, any deck with a lot
of control can drag the game into Turn 8 or
+2 Apocalypse, En Sabah Nur
Turning our attention from characters (that was
quick) to equipment. I completely agree with
having Personal Force Field in the deck (if only
to protect the investment in Mammoth), but I’m
not so much of a fan of Escrima Sticks or Kevlar
Body Armor. If I am going to pay a resource
point for a piece of equipment, it needs to do
quite a bit – the Sticks don’t fit that
description. If I am going to pay *two* resource
points for a piece of equipment, it really needs
to be a game ender (see: Blackbird), and Kevlar
Body Armor doesn’t do that. I’m also trimming
one copy of the Force Field for room purposes.
-4 Escrima Sticks
-4 Kevlar Body Armor
-1 Personal Force Field
In their place, why don’t we play Unstable
Molecules and Dual Sidearms? I know they aren’t
Fantasticar-quality, but due to the small size
of a lot of Fearsome Five characters (barring
Mammoth, of course), they seem like a good fit.
+3 Dual Sidearms
+3 Unstable Molecules
Next, we are going after locations. I realize
that Jinx allows you to search for a location,
but I’m not so sure that all of the locations in
this deck are warranted. Why don’t we trim it
down a bit – a short reasoning is beside each
-1 Baxter Building [too random]
-1 Clocktower [too random]
-1 Doom’s Throne Room [too random]
-1 ESU Science Lab [not enough dudes]
-1 GothCorp [not sure why this is good]
-1 X-Coperation [too little effect]
Finally, we arrive at Plot Twists. The first
thing I want to go is Gone But Not Forgotten.
Over the course of a game, GBNF is going to net
the deck’s pilot between four and eight
endurance, but if he were to play something like
Acrobatic Dodge, Savage Beatdown, or Have a
Blast!, he might be able to produce / prevent
more endurance.
-4 Gone But Not Forgotten
Next, as I mentioned above, Acrobatic Dodge and
Savage Beatdown will usually do more than GBNF,
and since we have a bit more room, why not add
both cards to the mix? As always, if Savage
Beatdown is out of the price range of the deck’s
pilot, Flying Kick is more than acceptable as a
+3 Acrobatic Dodge
+4 Savage Beatdown
Finally, to help combat against pesky team-ups,
locations, or any other surprises (see: Total
Anarchy), let’s throw in three Have a Blast! I
honestly think it is the best card in DC
Origins, and unless UDE prints a better card for
resource-hate, it will be around for a long,
long time.
+3 Have a Blast!
That about wraps up the work on this deck. Let’s
see how it came out…
4 Gizmo, Mikron O’Jeneus
2 Puppet Master, Philip Masters
4 Shimmer, Selinda Flanders
4 Mammoth, Baran Flinders
2 Rogue, Anna Raven
4 Jinx, Elemental Sorceress
4 Neutron, Nat Tyron
3 Dr. Light, Arthur Light
3 Psimon, Dr. Simon Jones
2 Apocalypse, En Sabah Nur
3 Acrobatic Dodge
1 Gamma Bomb
3 Have a Blast!
4 Savage Beatdown
4 Underworld Star
1 Base of Operations
1 Liberty Island Base
1 Muir Island
1 Negative Zone
1 Yancy Street
3 Dual Sidearms
3 Personal Force Field
3 Unstable Molecules
I hope that helps this week’s contributor, and
good luck in those tourneys!
We’re about done for this week, but don’t worry
– there’s another VS Deck Garage coming your way
next week; same time, same place. If you’d like
to see your deck in the VS Deck Garage, remember
to drop me an e-mail at Hagan0001@aol.com, and
I’ll get back with you as soon as possible!
Until then, happy gaming!

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