James Wardlow [mailto:jymbea@earthlink.net]
 Hand Control Will Win Games -mindoveryou


  With the release of the Dc set, hand control has become a more playable option, paticularly with the Arkham inmates. Hand control is effective in any card game and usually leads to victory. Cards like the Riddler (edward nygma), riddle me this, cracking the vault, and concrete jungle all seek to get one and two cards from your opponent. This will lead to top decking quickly, and likely, missing drops.
  If you were to add a little field removal into the mix, you begin to own the field very quickly. I have found that a team up deck works well;  a good knock out team, and a good hand control team- Syndicate and Arkham. Unfortunately, Arkham Inmates have poor 4, 5 and 7 drops, though their 1, 2 and 3 drops are great. Syndicate owns the late game with Green Goblin, and Venom.
  By utilizing Arkhams great early drops and emptying your opponents hand, you can set up nicely with Syndicates big men (and knock out abilities). Using cards like Greater of two evils, Kidnapping, and Sadistic choice further fuel the hand disruption, and field control. 
   A much overlooked card in this set is Concrete Jungle. Most all teams( Big Bro, Doom, X-men, Titans, and LOA) use at least 6-8 locations; instead of removal, let them pay a price for those locations. If you had two CJ in effect, thats two cards for every location flipped; when you only draw two cards a turn, and likely play two cards a turn (resource, character), that is brutal.  
  I won a pro qualifier with a new brotherhood deck, but Im a little bored with it, so I came up with this. It counters all the team attack decks well (gotham, titans) and capitalizes on decks that draw poorly (Big Bro, new bro). F4 decks are still tough, but by midgame this deck takes over.
  I welcome all constructive responses. Try it out and let me know how it works for you. mindoveryou@yahoo.com
3 Electro (2) drop       4 Marvel Team Up
3 Two Face (2)          4 Concrete Jungle
4 Charaxes (3)           4 Sadistic Choice
2 Riddler (3)               4 Finishing Move
2 Man-Bat (4)             4 Riddle Me This
4 Dr Octopus (4)        4 Kidnapping
4 Green Goblin (5)     4 Greater of Two Evils
4 Venom (6)               4 Savage Beatdown
2 Magneto (7)