cocacola's Vs. top ten list. Top ten DC and Marvel combined.


10. Savage beatdown- This card is good for a +5 boost, but I don't like its resource cost, that's why it gets #10.


9. Fizzle-This card is good and it would be better if it worked for any team affiliation.


8. Dr. Doom-Lord of Latveria- I have always loved Dr. Doom


7.  Raven-She is the strongest teen titan and she has a pretty good effect.


6.Flying kick-It is the staple plot twist for me.


5. Genosha- drawing up to four cards is never a bad thing


4. Venom-I like his character and his effect.


3. Hulk-the new fantastic four-Hulk rocks/


2.Feral rage- This can just about stand up to some 6 drops.







1. Super man!-I have loved super man since the time I could talk/



Well, there's my list. You can contact me at:



AIM: bballer8691

Pojo message board name: cocacola


cocacola signing out ~`