Pojo's Megaman
Card of the Day

Image from
Grand Prix
2 R 76
Date Reviewed:
Constructed Average
Limited Average Rating:
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
tcorbett |
Rating: 4/5. With a 2 Power Requirement, it's
another cheap Yellow Resource. The 2 Destiny
shouldn't matter THAT much since PharaohMan doesn't
Blast often. Now, the effect is very good, assuming
that your opponent has at least 3 Power at the time
and the majority of your deck doesn't have high
Burning all of your opponent's Power can set him
back 3 or 4 turns at least and can be very effective
against combos that require full power to use them
(i.e., Fire Factory, Best Throw Ever, Geddon3,
Something interesting you can do with this is combo
it with PharaohMan's Ultra Rare Event, Liberation.
Liberation adds 3 to your Blast Destiny every time
you Burn a Power. So, assuming you could Power Up
twice since you'll only have 1 Power at most after
Blasting, Petrify would add 9 to your Blast Destiny
as well as getting rid of all of your opponent's