Pojo's Megaman
Card of the Day

Image from
Falling Object
Grand Prix
2 R 71
Date Reviewed:
Constructed Average
Rating: 3.5
Limited Average Rating: 4
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

* Game Store owner in
CA, ShuffleAndCut
Multiple M:TG Pro Tour Appearances |
This is a ridiculous
card. For one power, you have a nice restock
of your deck. Put one with the high destiny on
top, and the one you want to draw second. It's
not random, and you can stack it. Your
opponent might be able to thwart you plan, but this
is very solid for a resource.
In limited, it's
amazing. Simply amazing. We'll take
anything that restocks in sealed.
Limited: 4.5 |
tcorbett |
Falling Object
Rating: 3.5/5. A free Resource is always a good
thing. And with this one, if you're running Red
Events or BattleChips that need Red, it's a very
good thing. The 2 Destiny shouldn't matter THAT much
since PharaohMan doesn't Blast often. The effect is
nice, too. A Raise the Temp times two. Like Raise
the Temp, you can combo it with Weepers to play a
card from your discard pile (Weepers allows you to
reveal the top card of your deck and play it if
able). Or, if you can keep from taking damage before
your next turn, you've just stacked your Gauge AND
your hand in one action. At the very least, you've
just given yourself 2 more Energy with Red's version
of recharging.
One NASTY combo you could do with this is to play
Intense Power (lets you search through your
opponent's deck and discard 4 cards from it of your
choice), Spend Falling Object to put Intense Power
and another card back on top of your deck, and then
Weepers to play it AGAIN. Unfortunately, you'd have
to be able to meet the requirement for the second
Intense Power with only 4 Power (to play it, you
reveal the cards in your Gauge and they have to have
a combined Destiny of at least 12) since you Burn a
Power to use Falling Object.