Pojo's Megaman news, tips, strategies and more!

Yu Yu Hakusho
Harry Potter
Vs. System

From: Chemicaldays@aol.com [mailto:Chemicaldays@aol.com]
Sent: Friday, January 07, 2005 8:41 PM
megaman top 10 red events

10. NOt enough POwer - playing another battlechip can really save you in some situations

9. Fire Factory - pure 12 cards, the only problem is this cards huge requirement of 5 power and 3 torchman spottables

8. Collect 'EM All - for almost no requirement you can make your opponent lose a huge amount of energy, great against elecman or any other huge blasting navi.

7. Deletion Inevitable - got that extra areasteal in your hand? turn it into 4 direct damage with this baby!

6.INcredible Speed - +8 to your blast! the only reason its not lower is because of its high red requirement

5. Nose Knows - +1 to your blast for every resource in play? combo's well with disaster strikes

4. Disaster strikes- This card is awesome, if you have a 8 or higher destiny then your opponent loses 10 energy.

3. Unbelievable - An awesome regeneration card, play in a high battlechip deck to really get back some major help

2. Burned - automatic damage that's really easy to pull off


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