It’s time to look at the first Pokémon V cards that just came out: Meowth V (SWSH004) & Meowth V-Max (SWSH005). Pokemon V and V-Max can be considered to be similar to Basic Pokémon-EX and Mega Evolution. Like Pokémon-EX, Pokemon V also gives up two prizes if it’s knocked out. Unlike Mega Evolutions, however, Pokemon V-Max is worth three prizes if it’s knocked out and your turn doesn’t end when you Gigantamax that Pokémon. Perhaps the best thing that happened to Pokemon V is that it is unaffected by effects that target a bygone mechanic; anything affecting Pokémon-EX or Pokémon-GX won’t affect Pokémon-V at all. Likewise, there would eventually be support and counters against Pokémon-V, and there’s already one against Pokémon V-Max; Zamazenta-V has an ability called Dauntless Shield which protects itself from damage from Pokémon V-Max.
As for Meowth V-Max, it is a Colorless Type, which won’t be able to exploit weakness for double damage. 300 HP for such a mechanic is pretty high, though not the highest since Snorlax V-Max has 340 HP.

As its worth three prizes, it’s HP is much higher than that of TAG TEAMs, which makes it almost always survive a hit or two unless you’re up against someone with limitless damage capacity. Fighting weakness seems to be all right at the moment since not many Fighting based decks are placing well at tournaments. And a retreat cost of two is a nuisance, but the upcoming Air Balloon is a new Pokémon tool card that reduces the retreat cost by two, making it a free retreat for Meowth V-Max. Meowth V-Max has only one attack. G-Max Gold Rush costs CCCC for 200 damage and lets you draw three cards. The attack cost seems high, and not even Triple Acceleration Energy can fulfill the cost, but it does enough damage to 2HKO anything in the game and possibly OHKO a good amount of Basic EX/GX/V Pokémon. The bonus of drawing extra cards means that you’ll be able to do more stuff on your next turn as long as your hand doesn’t get shuffled, and with Reset Stamp and other disruptive means, it sadly means more often than not.
To get to Meowth V-Max, you have to evolve from Meowth-V. This is a Basic Colorless Type with 180 HP, Fighting weakness, and a retreat cost of CC. Pay Day costs C for 30 damage and lets you draw a card. Slashing Claw costs CCC for 130 damage without any other effects. These attacks aren’t that bad but one wishes these attacks do more than just damage. Speaking of what more they can do, not much can be done. It might be a fun Pokémon to use, but I can’t see Meowth amounting to anything much in either formats. Since this is a promo card, they are not usable in Limited.
- Standard: 2/5
- Expanded: 2/5
- Limited: N/A
Meowth V-Max
- Standard: 2.5/5
- Expanded: 2.5/5
- Limited: N/A
Meowth-V is a stepping stone for Evolving into their V-Max counterpart, and Meowth V-Max shows what future V-Max cards are capable of. If you feel the need to experience this new mechanic first hand, then by all means use them. Otherwise, I recommend you wait for the first wave of Pokémon-V cards that will eventually come out next month.