Mewtwo – Base Set #10
Date Reviewed: January 12, 2024
Ratings Summary:
See Below
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale. 1 is horrible. 3 is average. 5 is great.
Average eBay Sale as of today (1st Edition):
PSA 9: $2300
PSA 6: $600
PSA 1: $200
Reviews Below:

Mewtwo Base Set #10
Type: Pokémon Card
Set: Base Set
Release Date: 1999
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
Today, we’re delving deep into the annals of Pokémon TCG history with none other than the iconic Mewtwo from the revered Base Set.
Stats: 60 HP: Not the bulkiest, but decent for Stage 1. 3 Psychic Energy retreat cost: A tad hefty.
- Psywave (10 + 10 per attached Energy): A simple attack.
- Barrier (Discard 1 Psychic Energy, prevent all effects of attacks, including damage, done to Mewtwo during your opponent’s next turn): Woah mama, now that’s spicy! This move essentially granted invisibility for a turn, shutting down opposing attackers cold. Talk about a game-changer!
Playability – This card was somewhat playable in the very early days of Pokemon … until folks learned to streamline their decks. The funniest thing to do with this card was build the simple “Mulligan Mewtwo Deck”. This early deck consisted of:
1 – Mewtwo
59 – Psychic Energy
The strategy was based on getting your Mewtwo out after your opponent had drawn a lot of mulligan cards. And then, once you drew your Mewtwo, you started using Mewtwo’s Barrier attack over and over again. Mewtwo prevented all damage done to it, and your opponent eventually ran out of cards. This strategy was easily combatted by Lass, but not everyone was playing Lass in the early days. The Mulligan rules have changed since the early days as well. Mulligan Mewtwo was cheesy, but funny to see in action.
Final Thoughts: This is simply a collector’s card now, especially since he was a star in the first Pokemon movie. The next few Mewtwo card releases that followed had a much larger impact on the Meta in 1999/2000.
Rating: ★★★ (3/5 stars)
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