Morphing Jar
Morphing Jar

Morphing Jar – #OP09-EN004

FLIP: Both players discard as many cards as possible from their hands, then each player draws 5 cards.

Date Reviewed:  October 10th, 2024

Rating: 3.33

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale. 1 is awful. 3 is average. 5 is excellent.

Reviews Below:

KoL's Avatar
King of

Hello Pojo Fans,

Morphing Jar is our Throwback Thursday choice this week and has quite the legacy in the game.

Not realistically available until 2005 (Tournament Pack SR and UR were scarce and expensive) this card has seen itself become a staple in countless decks throughout the generations of play and even become the anchor in the “Empty Jar” deck.

A reset to the hands of each player, Morphing Jar gifting you five cards can be a saving grace while hurting your opponent. Before the grave became such an important part of the game, Morphing Jar could ruin a players day with its effect. In 2024 though its usefulness against the opponent has been crept quite a bit. The grave is a central part of the game more than ever, so sending your opponent’s hand to the grave with Morphing Jar being flipped likely will help them. There are ways around that: Dimensional Fissure and Macro Cosmos alongside Morphing Jar will banish everything in both hands, something that won’t hurt you if you are playing a banish deck. Protector of the Sanctuary with Morphing Jar allows you to reset your hand while not allowing the opponent to draw anything to replace their hand.

In todays game, you can still set a lot, flip Morphing Jar and get yourself five new cards, you just have to be careful about your opponent. Still a useful card that can be played pretty much anywhere, Morphing Jar is Limited because of the Empty Jar style as well as that usefulness to any archetype that relies heavily on the grave.

Advanced- 4/5     Art- 4/5

Until Next Time,

Crunch$G Avatar

Throwback Thursday this week brings us to the most iconic FLIP monster in the entire game: Morphing Jar.

Morphing Jar is a Level 2 EARTH Rock FLIP with 700 ATK and 600 DEF. Stats are weak, but an EARTH Rock is nice. The lone effect is a FLIP effect to make both players discard their entire hand and draw 5 cards. This was better back in the day than it is now due to a rise in graveyard effects. It was great in older Dark World Decks to discard a bunch of Dark Worlds for their effects while likely giving the opponent no effects to trigger, though you’d want to set yourself up well since you refreshed the opponent’s hand. Now, not only do you got graveyard effects to worry about, but also hand traps and powerful board breakers for the opponent to draw, hence why now you’d only see this in Empty Jar, since that Deck is dedicated for making the opponent deck out and you winning that way, basically a deck out wincon before Runick. Empty Jar is the only thing you’d play this in, since you got all the previous issues plus the fact it’s also too slow for Dark World. Empty Jar is also why this is at 1 most likely, cause you don’t want a Deck like that getting more consistent.

Advanced Rating: 3/5

Art: 4.5/5 I can’t hate some of the classic art in this game for these iconic cards.

Mighty Vee

Whenever Yugioh players talk about Flip monsters on the list, one of the first to come to mind is always the illustrious Morphing Jar. Both of the Morphing Jars have had a rocky banlist history, but while 2 is currently free in both regions, the original Morphing Jar, a level 2 EARTH Rock Flip monster, is still sitting at limited. As a Flip monster, it’s fairly easy to access using Subterror Behemoth Fiendess, Master of Ham (I didn’t have to mention these earlier for Dragon because Mimighouls are just too darn searchable), and of course Mimighoul Maker, plus as a Rock you can access it with Gallant Granite and Doki Doki as well. I don’t recommend using Spright cards to get to it unless you’re crazy. To complement being level 2, Morphing Jar naturally has very poor stats of 700 attack and 600 defense, but luckily, if you use Morphing Jar, its stats are the least of its problems!

Morphing Jar has a single non-once per turn Flip effect, forcing both players to discard their entire hand then draw 5 cards. Simple enough! In the modern game, this effect really isn’t that good; even if you could profit off of discarding less than 5 cards, it’s not worth the unseen downside of giving your opponent more draws, or worse, filling their Graveyard with useful cards. Its true purpose is the infamous Empty Jar strategy, which has evolved multiple times over the years and caused Morphing Jar to constantly bounce between limited, semi-limited, and even forbidden at one point. The gist of Empty Jar is to spam Morphing Jar’s effect with flipping tools like Book of Moon and Book of Taiyou and Swords of Revealing Light and Swords of Concealing Light (using monster-swap cards like Shien’s Spy). As the discard and draw is mandatory, you’ll generally have more than enough draw power to deck out your opponent. More recent variants incorporate Danger! cards for even more draw power and modern techs like Gallant Granite to reduce RNG. To put it bluntly, Empty Jar sucks in modern Yugioh too, but Morphing Jar is one of those “toxic cards that wouldn’t do anything”. On paper its effect is still incredibly annoying and does nothing of positive value, but if it came back to 3 someday for some reason, it’s not the end of the world. Now please, please don’t play it in Mimighoul…

+Non-once per turn mandatory draw effect enables FTKs
-Requires luck-based setups to FTK
-Can end up helping your opponent draw Hand Traps or fuel their Graveyard

Advanced: 3/5
Art: 3.5/5 Freaky!

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