Mulcharmy Fuwalos – #ROTA-EN024
If you control no cards (Quick Effect): You can discard this card; apply these effects this turn.
● Each time your opponent Special Summons a monster(s) from the Deck and/or Extra Deck, immediately draw 1 card.
● Once, during this End Phase, if the number of cards in your hand is more than the number of cards your opponent controls +6, you must randomly shuffle cards from your hand into the Deck so the number in your hand equals the number your opponent controls +6.
You can only activate 1 other “Mulcharmy” monster effect, the turn you activate this effect.
Date Reviewed: January 3, 2025
Rating: 4.58
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale. 1 is bad. 3 is average. 5 is great.
Reviews Below:
We finally made it to #1 and there was an obvious elephant in the room for cards that have been missing from this list so far, and now we’re here. We also got the first non-Extra Deck card since 2017 to be #1 in a Top 10 for the year, and ironically the last time that happened, #1 was also a hand trap (Ash Blossom). From Rage of the Abyss, we have Mulcharmy Fuwalos.
Fuwalos is a Level 4 WIND Winged Beast with 100 ATK and 600 DEF. Still not great stats, but again won’t matter on a hand trap, and WIND/Winged Beast do go well together. Fuwalos is the same as Purulia basically, Quick Effect to discard itself from the hand to apply two effects for the turn if you control no cards, the second effect making you put cards from the hand back to the Deck until you equal the number of cards the opponent controls +6. The only difference between Fuwalos and Purulia is that Fuwalos lets you draw a card each time the opponent summons a monster from the Deck or Extra Deck, which are very important things to do for Decks that combo. Considering how many Extra Deck summons happen in a turn usually, you can get so many draws off of this if the opponent plays into this, or they just choose not to play into it, giving you an easier time to play your turn. Of course, same last line only letting you use 1 other Mulcharmy effect for the rest of the turn after resolution, so you can stack this or combo it with Purulia or Meowls. It’s Maxx “C”, but more balanced since you can’t really use this after you make your plays. Been a staple 3-of in the Main more often than not, though sometimes sided. At least it’ll be cheap in April as well.
Advanced Rating: 4.5/5
Art: 4.5/5 Still a cute bird.
My #1: Mulcharmy Fuwalos
Could it have been anything else? The second coming of the radical roach itself, number 1 on our countdown is Mulcharmy Fuwalos. It’s been so influential, it had a reprint announced in record time, though that has done little to curb its price tag of almost $120 per copy. Unlike Mulcharmy Purulia, being a level 4 WIND Winged Beast isn’t particularly important, but once again Ryzeal can use it as Rank 4 fodder in a pinch, so Main Decking it in Ryzeal (or any deck, to my surprise) isn’t the worst idea in the world.
Fuwalos doesn’t need much explanation– it’s effectively a nerfed version of Maxx “C” that only really works going second and has a rarely-seen drawback. Compared to its compatriots, Extra Deck and Main Deck Special Summons are considerably more common. This just goes to show how strong Maxx “C” truly is, considering many decks opt to Main Deck Fuwalos whereas Purulia is often a Side Deck card outside of decks that can utilize it on the field. Fuwalos is so reminiscent of Maxx “C”, the unthinkable happened in the OCG: the notorious cockroach got hit to Semi-limited in the OCG. Bigger than Fuwalos itself is the conversation around Yugioh’s direction. Many people think Fuwalos, along with other Hand Traps like Ash Blossom and Dominus Impulse, are symptoms of a return to vicious combo-heavy decks like SPYRAL and Zoodiac, while others welcome Fuwalos with open arms and pray for the return of Maxx “C” in the TCG. Having been accustomed to battling the radical roach in Master Duel, Fuwalos doesn’t necessarily bug me, but I’ve also seen TCG players swear off of the game as if Fuwalos was Maxx “C” itself! Given its limitations, I don’t think it’ll be banned like Maxx “C” was, despite what’s happening in the OCG. One thing’s for sure, Fuwalos can’t be reprinted quickly enough. Enjoy your gold trophy, you jelly bird thing!
+Incredible effect that is applicable against most decks
-Almost useless going first
-Can be useless against a select few decks
Advanced: 4.75/5
Art: 4.25/5 Chirpa-chirpa-chirpa!
King of
Hello Pojo Fans,
Mulcharmy Fuwalos is of course our #1 choice for top card in the year 2024 and of course, it being released before years-end meant I would overlook it.
You thought that Mulcharmy Purulia was bad, that card dominated the TCG landscape for maybe a month or so and then Fuwalos was mentioned in the OCG and it was the new golden child. Having to control no cards does help limit the unfair advantage it can generate for you. Unlike Maxx C you can’t drop this while you have an established field. Discard Fuwalos and draw a card each time the opponent summons from the Deck or Extra Deck. While it won’t account for the hand, there are far more strategies that need to Extra Deck climb through summons to establish their board and Fuwalos was created to make their life hell. Yes, you have to randomly shuffle back cards at the End Phase so you have the same number of cards your opponent controls +6, but that still gives you a wide birth to have a full hand and then some for your turn.
This card should net you at least two draws as well as one to replace itself. While Purulia was great and could net you a good amount of cards depending on the strategy you ran into, Fuwalos is more generic and thus, can give you more. It is the strongest card and had the price tag alongside Engraver and Bonfire to prove it. Won’t be getting a reprint until about a third of the way through 2025 (April), so if you are playing competitive and don’t have the playset already you likely are gonna wait it out. It is rightfully the best card of 2024 because it is the closest to Maxx C that were likely getting and yet it is much fairer than Maxx C. Restrictions are there and you can still have an overpowering amount of cards depending on how far your opponent is willing to go, and, your opponent can turtle up for the turn and net you only a 1-for-1 off Fuwalos.
Best card of the year for a reason and it isn’t a wonder why.
Advanced- 4.5/5
Art- 5/5
Until Next Time,
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