Mulcharmy Fuwalos
Mulcharmy Fuwalos

Mulcharmy Fuwalos – #ROTA-EN024

If you control no cards (Quick Effect): You can discard this card; apply these effects this turn.
● Each time your opponent Special Summons a monster(s) from the Deck and/or Extra Deck, immediately draw 1 card.
● Once, during this End Phase, if the number of cards in your hand is more than the number of cards your opponent controls +6, you must randomly shuffle cards from your hand into the Deck so the number in your hand equals the number your opponent controls +6.
You can only activate 1 other “Mulcharmy” monster effect, the turn you activate this effect.

Date Reviewed:  October 14th, 2024

Rating: 4.58

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale. 1 is awful. 3 is average. 5 is excellent.

Reviews Below:

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King of

Hello Pojo Fans,

Mulcharmy Fuwalos begins a week of some awesome Main Deck and Side Deck options on Pojo CoTD.

And here we thought Purulia was hyped, Fuwalos is hyped ten fold. Not something you can play when you control card(s) on the field, Fuwalos is a Quick Effect that works much like its brother and Maxx C: Discard and then gain its effect(s). For Fuwalos, drawing each time your opponent Special Summons a monster(s) from the Deck or Extra Deck is incredible. Combined with Purulia, you may end up drawing out your entire Deck if someone takes the challenge.

Not all archetypes Special Summon multiple times from the Deck, but there are archetypes and strategies that need to summon multiple times from the Extra Deck in one turn to build up their board. We’ve all lived through Knightmare Extra Lock and Zoodiac stacking and so on, so this card is a preventative measure against those archetype/strategies. Do they want to give you a bunch of cards in exchange to build their board, or do they want to make you lose a card? The one other catch is, like Purulia, if you have more than six cards higher than your opponent you’ve gotta get rid of some cards. Just like with Purulia, cards get shuffled back into the Deck randomly. The good news for you playing Fuwalos is that most players end with at least two cards in their hand at minimum even after hitting full combo. You won’t be playing against an Infernity player where they want next to nothing in their hand, and even if you did face that or a player with zero cards in their hand at the end of the turn, you still get to keep six cards.

There isn’t any downside to fitting one to three of Fuwalos into your Main Deck or into your Side Deck. Purulia was hyped…until Fuwalos showed itself, then the focus came onto Fuwalos. Both are great options for Main and Side Deck. If you can afford it, get it, or wait until the reprint eventually arrives.

Advanced- 4.5/5     Art- 4.5/5

Until Next Time,

Crunch$G Avatar

We go from one core set to another (rare we do this now, let alone twice in a year), but now we start with Rage of the Abyss with some of the best cards in the set, starting with the second Mulcharmy, and what will likely remain the best one: Mulcharmy Fuwalos.

Fuwalos is a Level 4 WIND Winged Beast with 100 ATK and 600 DEF. It’s a hand trap, so stats don’t matter, but being a Level 4 Winged Beast is nice for Floowandereeze players if you wanted to search this, and WIND goes best with Winged Beast I guess. Same as last time, if you control no cards, you get to discard this as a Quick Effect to apply two effects for the rest of the turn. The first lets you draw a card every time the opponent Special Summons a monster from their Deck or Extra Deck, which already is pretty powerful since the Extra Deck is where most of the opponent’s plays will come from, and then you get the bonus of drawing when the opponent summons from Deck, which is also fairly common. Purulia was already compared to Maxx “C”, this is another good comparison to that considering you’ll likely be able to draw more cards off this than Purulia, assuming the opponent plays into it and doesn’t just pass turn after it resolves. At least with this, you don’t have to hot shot it like you do Purulia since this will likely have more to respond to vs Purulia you want to get before the Normal Summon. You’ll probably still hot shot this when the opponent has the cards to go into the Extra Deck, so then they get the choice to play into it or pass turn. The other effect is the same as Purulia, where at the end of the turn, you must put cards from your hand back into the Deck until it equals the number of cards the opponent controls +6, so you’ll still be up in card advantage if the opponent played into it, but didn’t leave a lot of cards on board. You can only activate 1 other Mulcharmy effect the turn you use this, which is the same restriction as Purulia, so you can use two of these to draw 2 each time the opponent summons from the Extra Deck, or have this and Purulia together for when the opponent summons from anywhere that isn’t the graveyard or banished pile, though I’m sure we’ll get a Mulcharmy for that as well. Fuwalos is a great card if you’re going second, as it gives you something to scare the opponent off from making a big board of Extra Deck monsters. It isn’t as powerful as Maxx “C” since the moment you play any card on the field, this is no longer live. Still, you can main it or side it for the chance the opponent goes first, cause either you’ll get a lot of draws off it, or you get a free turn.

Advanced Rating: 4.5/5

Art: 4.5/5 Cute little bird thing.

Mighty Vee

Rage of the Abyss launched in the TCG last week, so after speedrunning Infinite Forbidden, we’re diving right into the new cards (not so slow now, are we?). This week we’re starting with arguably the most controversial card of 2024, Mulcharmy Fuwalos, the next member of the Mulcharmy mini-archetype. A level 4 WIND Winged Beast. Fuwalos has some synergy with decks like Harpie and Simorgh, but as we’ll see, that won’t be why you play Fuwalos. Like Purulia before it, Fuwalos has terrible stats for its level, with only 100 attack and 600 defense. That does make it searchable with Cupid Pitch, though that is a terrible idea unless you have a 1 billion IQ plan in mind.

Fuwalos’s effect is mostly copied from Purulia; it’s a non-once per turn Quick Effect (only usable if you control no cards) to discard itself, then for the rest of the turn allow you to draw 1 card each time your opponent Special Summons from the deck or Extra Deck. Of course, Fuwalos also copies the stipulation of forcing you to randomly shuffle cards back if your hand is 6 cards bigger than your opponent’s board during the End Phase. Additionally, it has the stipulation of only letting you use one other Mulcharmy effect for the rest of the turn, though in practice this will only come up if you happen to open 2 Mulcharmy monsters thus far. Compared to Purulia, Fuwlaos immediately sounded alarms in the community– summoning from the deck and Extra Deck is much more common than summoning from the hand. I initially thought it would be a Side Deck staple like Purulia, but Fuwalos is so strong people are even willing to Main Deck it. Detractors of the infamous Maxx “C” know how miserable it is to watch your opponent draw a million cards, some of them likely being Hand Traps, so it’s not hard to see why Fuwlaos is such a hyped and expensive card. As of this writing, Fuwalos has a hefty price tag of 160 US Dollars– not the most expensive card of all time, but still a real wallet burner. Make no mistake, Fuwalos is very strong, but it’s absolutely a downgrade compared to Maxx “C”; it’s still largely a dead card going first (Azamina and Snake-Eye have the privilege of using it as discard fodder), and part of the toxicity of Maxx “C” is that it can be used on turn 2 after building your own board, practically cementing a win. While rare, there are decks that aren’t very bothered by it, like Floowandereeze and some Runick hybrids. Personally, I don’t think Fuwalos is worth that much money, but if you can get your hands on a playset, go for it! It’ll be the closest TCG has to the rad roach for a while.

+Incredible effect that is applicable against most decks
-Almost useless going first
-Can be useless against a select few decks 

Advanced: 4.75/5
Art: 4.25/5 Chirpa-chirpa-chirpa!

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