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Pojo's Naruto Card of th Day
Card Number:
Rarity - Promo Card
Review Date:
Constructed Card Rating: 3.13
Average Limited Card Rating: DNA
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
Beastly Bruin |
Naruto Uzumaki [Battle
Turn: 1
Power: (Healthy) 1/0 (Injured) 3/1
Effect: If this ninja is healthy, you may injure it
at the start of the battle phase.
I must say, options of this nature are bittersweet.
I like Naruto's cards. They're centered on him being
more valuable when he's injured, which really is an
accurate translation of his role in the anime.
This is Naruto in 1-Drop form. The reason, you can
choose whether or not to make him a 3 Combat
workhorse, or a 1 Support sidekick. In my honest
opinion, I'd rather run [Nine-tailed Chakra],
because i tend to have a lot of cards in my hand,
but you always run the risk of losing him before you
actually get to use his effect. The beauty of
[Battle Decision] is that you can manually injure
him and possibly avoid losing him to an Outstanding
His value decreases as the turns progress and you
run into better options for teams, but if he's
injured, he can at least support a team that needs
it, he can head a team if you absolutely need him
to, and he can take a hit when a sacrifice is
All in all, I'd think hard before replacing
[Nine-Tailed Chakra] with him. He comes out a turn
later, and in this game, that can make all the
difference. (Or, just run him alongside [NTC].
Shouldn't hurt)
Casual Play: 3/5
Lightning Deck: 3.5/5
Genin Rush: 3/5
Overall: 3/5
Art: 2/5 Standard fare...
__________________ |
Timekeeper |
Naruto Uzamaki [Battle
Ninja; Lightning
Turn Cost: 1
Hand Cost: 0
Effect: If this Ninja is healthy, you may Injure it
at the start of the Battle Phase.
Flavor Text: "Let's go wild!"
This card is...situational, atleast at first glance.
If you injure Naruto for the combat and support
boost, send him out as head ninja and end up losing
the fight due to say, a Kunai, then Naruto is
injured again and discarded.....rather than just
being injured the first time. Being a Lightning
attribute Ninja, he's in quite a powerful crowd,
especially Genin-wise.
Naruto has no sub-ability, which sort of is a
drawback but at the same time, there are no decks
that would desperately need to run this card that
make use of a sub-ability.
Naruto's Combat (prior to injury) is nothing short
of problematic. If he's forced out alone and for
some reason can't use his effect, he's mincemeat. Of
course, being a genin he can make the most of
other's effects to help his combat, but alone he is
still just bad in the Combat area. His Combat (after
injury) is moderate for a Genin with a Turn Cost of
1. 3 can go head to head with alot of genin, and
fall to others. His Support (prior to injury) is a
quite a bit of a drawback. 0 will usually force
Naruto as the team leader if you're going for sheer
overall power, and don't happen to have a Combat 6
Jonin on your team, which in the first few
turns...you won't. Naruto's Support (after injury)
is a measly 1. Still an improvement from the 0 he
had prior to injury, but also not as good. if you're
playing this Naruto for support, you'd be much
better off with Shikamaru Nara [Lazy Bum] or any
other high supporting genin.
Naruto's effect only helps him, because it basically
gives him an injury for +2/+1. Combine that with a
Cross Shaped Shuriken and you've got a 5/1 first
turn drop for a turn. There's not much to say about
this effect, as it's not really all that veratile.
It's got one major use..and that's to boost up
Naruto here.
Let me rephrase something from my Sasuke Review:
Being Leaf puts him in the same category as alot of
Ninja from Path to Hokage and Coils of the Snake.
Not much to say here, but it does give Naruto more
Being a Genin doesn't differentiate Naruto from any
of the other Naruto cards or even the Sasuke cards
for that matter. It helps him depending on who you
use him with in a deck.
Being Ninjutsu combat styled doesn't really make a
difference to Naruto yet. We'll see as time goes on
whether this was a smart choice or a not-so-bright
In Any Deck: 2.7/5 There are better choices out
Lightning Deck: 3/5 He gets a bit more shine time
In a Leaf Deck: 3/5 Leaf Decks have alot to pick
from, however.
Overall: 2.9/5
Art: 2/5 It was okay, for a Promo atleast. |
Apprentice of Anubis |
Today, we’re looking at
Naruto Uzumaki [Battle Decision]. Now class, can you
say “Filler”?
As you can tell, I’m not a very big fan of this
card. Granted, you can instantly injure him to gain
his 3/1 stats. While that is somewhat decent in it’s
own sense, there are still better choices out there
as far as Naruto cards go.
For example, Naruto Uzumaki [Nine-Tails Chakra] has
potential to go higher as his power when he’s
injured depends on how many cards you have in hand,
Naruto Uzumaki [Fragment of Power] can be used as a
double Lightning Chakra, making it much easier to
play the likes of Sexy Jutsu and Leaf Instant Move
Jutsu, and Naruto Uzumaki [Strength in a Crisis],
while only having 0/0 while healthy (2/0 if
blocked.), he is a 5/0 when blocked when he’s
injured while using his ability.
As far as his Stats go, there really isn’t anything
special here. He’s still a 1/0 Healthy and a 3/1
injured. But then again, which one isn’t. Heck, he
doesn’t even have Clone Status built in, while to my
knowledge, two others have.
In short, Play him if you like, but there are better
choices out there. Believe me, I WANT to like this
card, but there really aren’t any redeeming
qualities about him, at least in my eyes.
Casual: 2.5/5 (Even though it IS casual play, there
are better alternatives out there.)
Constructed: 2/5 (I feel I should be giving this a
1/5, but I’m willing to give him the benefit of a
doubt, and hoping that maybe I just missed something
with this card.)
And Finally…You knew this was going to happen.
Believe it!
…I should be shot for saying that, shouldn’t I? e_e;;
Note: Before anyone comments on inaccuracies in this
review, my computer’s acting funny and will only
load half the picture of Naruto (The top half. I
only managed to see his Lightning symbol, the ninja
symbol and his face. That’s it. Hence, there will be
no card stats in the review like the last one.) , So
I’m going purely on memory. |
Rakath |
Rakath here, My COTD
review starts here:
PR001 Naruto Uzumaki (Battle Decision)
Okay, this Naruto has the stats EXACTLY the same as
the Turn 0 No effect form. However, this has a
slight advantage, it can injure itself. Now then,
Naruto ALWAYS (As far as I've checked up through set
10) has better Injured stats than Healthy. No
exception here.1/0 - 3/1 isn't so special except for
the advantages having strong injured status is.
Effects that 'use injured status' or 'shift to
injured status' don't effect Naruto. He plays out as
a very strong attacker when everything is injured.
Now, as a Naruto, he's low on the useful list. As a
Turn 1 ninja, he's not too bad, he can Chump block
for a turn at Healthy and then he gets good stats,
or you can just insta-raise him when you need it.
He's better than Lee since he can use Jutsu cards,
and he's got a support score when injured. He's like
Friday's card, average in all ways.
Naruto deck 1/5 (BAD CHOICE)
Generic Lightning deck 2.5/5 (Decent Choice)
Throw in card for Non-Lightning decks 3/5 (Slightly
better than decent choice) |
Bob Joe |
ok so we have Naruto, the
main star in the show...
Healthy-1/0 Injured-3/1
can injure himself at the start of the battle phase
sounds pretty good for a Naruto card,and porbably
the best Naruto (character, not the whole game)
ever. pretty powerful 1-drop, but it has to be
injured to do anything. I dunno about this card,
since I lost my copy before I even got to play with
it!!!! being the master of the sexy and harem jutsu
give him a good 'ol +1 to use him with. I like him,
and he good to play with...I just wish he wasn't so
dang stupid.
Clone deck 5/5
Lighting deck 5/5
Limited 4/5 he can die easy against Steam decks
th-th-th-that's all folks!!!! |
Adam Trunzo |
Hey, all! Today we're
looking at Naruto Uzumaki [Battle Decision]
Naruto Uzumaki
Lightning Element
Turn Count: 1
Hand Cost: 0
Ninjutsu Attribute
[Battle Decision]
If this Ninja is healthy, you many injure it at the
start of the Battle Phase.
Healthy: 1/0
Injured: 3/1
I'm not a big fan of this card. I mean, yeah, a 3/1
beatstick Turn 1 is nice, but the vanilla Naruto can
be dropped Turn 0 and become a 3/1 if he blocks a
Ninja that's at least a 1/0.
Constructed: I'd rather drop Rock Lee [No Talent] on
my Turn 1.
Granted, this Naruto is an "okay" card, but I think
there are just better versions of him out there
[Nine-Tailed Chakra and Strength in a Crisis, for
example]. What _is_ nice, however, is that YOU get
to choose when he gets injured. Need another
beatstick early in the game?
Drop Naruto. Chump Blocker that gets bigger when
Injured? Drop Naruto.
Constructed Rating: 2.5/5 Decent card, but again,
there are better versions of him out there. Not a
terrible card, though. Not much else to say. ;x
Limited: Ah, can't draft promos. XD
Jason Toca |
Today, we Review one of
the first Promos to be released for the Naruto game,
None other than Uzumaki Naruto himself!
Naruto Uzumaki
[Battle Decision]
1/0 Healthy
3/1 Injured
1 Turn Cost, No Hand Cost
If this Ninja is healthy, you may injure it at the
start of the Battle Phase.
This game wouldn't be around without Naruto. This is
the first card that was released in Shonen Jump, and
it seems to really hold the essence of Naruto.
Naruto is really a dunce when it comes to being a
ninja, and this card proves it. While at the start
of the battle phase, he can injure himself, if he so
chooses. "Why in the heck would you want to injure
him? That's stoopid!" I can hear it now. The reason:
Why not get an extra 2 in there to give your team a
little advantage in the fight? You could always heal
him next round if things go well for you. The
drawback? If things don't go well for you, you just
got Naruto killed on a gamble. But hey! Sometimes it
takes that gamble, right?
All in all, if you are going to use this card, be
sure to not get too attached. He dies easily. But
again, Naruto can be a bit of a bungler.
Playability: 3.5/5 You risk a fast death on that
Lightning Deck: 3.5/5 It's the same risk, even in
that deck. If you support him, you might bump this
to 4/5
Artwork: 3/5 It's pretty standard Naruto. Nothing
super flashy. |
Master Gundam 7000 |
Hello everyone, welcome to
a week of Naruto Reviews... starting with naruto
Uzumaki, Battle Decision. Below is the card's stats
and effect:
Naruto Uzumaki, Battle Decision
Entrance Cost:1
Healthy: 1/0
Injured: 3/1
Effect: Is this ninja is healthy, you may injure it
at the Beginning of the Battle Step.
Hello everyone, welcome to a week of Naruto
Reviews... starting with Naruto Uzumaki, Battle
All of Naruto's ninja cards have much better stats
when he is injured, and this effect lets him get
that way fast. He can be really good for a fast Rush
Deck., utilizing Shikamaru for his 2 support, and
stat-altering Jutsu, he can turn out to be quite the
fast vicious ninja. If you don't have Nine-Tailed
Chakra, you can always use this one as a solid
second instead in other decks, the others just don't
mesh well with the game as it is now.
Low-Cost Rush Decks: 3.5/5 - It can be solid here,
because it can get injured fast, and with Shikamaru,
its a second turn 5-powered team. Pretty good I
Everywhere Else: 2/5: He may be able to fit in other
niche decks if you can find room for him, but
overall, he just cant keep up. |
dust2dust |
Naruto Uzumaki- Battle
Pro: Good injure stats
Con: Bad beginning stats
Turn 1 ninja
Here we go with our 2nd COTD, only problem is the
cards don’t seem to go toward a good direction.
You’ll see in a moment.
This card is only available in one issue of Shonen
Jump, which makes it somewhat hard to get. Don’t
worry though, you are not missing much (that is if
you are not a collector). Rarity aside, lets talk
about the card effect. He allows you to injure
himself to make a strong ninja, very unique ninja.
However, after the effect, he can be killed easily
with fire ball jutsu. Most would not waste their
cards just to do it, but I’m putting it out there as
a possibility.
Further more, this version is a turn one ninja.
Compare to other versions of him, he is far from any
good. Most other versions of him are turn 0, better
effects, some even have clone status. He, in my
opinion, is the 2nd worst Naruto so far (worst is
the mental -1 version).
So if you need a Naruto in your lighting deck, I
would choose the “nine-tail chakra” or “Strength in
a Crisis.”
Ok so seeing the fact that it is not the worst
naruto, I think it desire:
Any concerns/comments please PM me (dust2dust).