Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
J-rad (the
bogosian explosion)
Why hello fellow readers,
i have changed my alias to something a little more
modern. Gotta stick with the gangsta rhymes YO!
don't worry it's still the explosion inside your
hearts...wait, ummm yaaa. ANYWAY
End of The Demon
Hey i run one of these cards, maybe thats why i
never get the full use of it. I would like to use it
more often, but ya know i only got three demon bros
in my deck so ya know, my options are limited.
This is a good card if you run a lot of turn 2-3
water ninjas....which is great i guess? i recently
thought a great thought, now we can use this mission
on suien when he's decreased himself to practically
nothing! yay....O O O, better idea. You know those
500 copies of Shibiki you all got in your curse of
sand boxes!? You got it, you can use EotD with him
TOO, isn't that fantastic, now he isn't just used
for emergency toilet paper!
all around good mission, i likes it
Constructed: 4/5
limited: 4/5(all these secret rares...crimeny)
The End of the Demon
Pros: Knock Off an Opponents Ninja or Client
Mission Negation Is Minimal in the Meta
Cons: Chunnin or Higher
Must be Water Symbol
Discard Your Ninja
Alright, this week we take a look at the big cards
that won matches at GenCon. Today we have the
mission The End of the Demon. I’m not a big fan of
this card because it’s very cost specific and you
have to give up a big ninja for it, BUT this solves
a lot of problems and gives you chakra to charge.
Zabuza hurt and still have to work? Put him to good
use by getting rid of your opponent’s Orochimaru,
Kakashi, Third Hokage, Fourth Hokage, World. You get
my point? Downside is that this can only really go
into a Water deck.
Constructed: 4/5 (It wouldn’t be in a GenCon winning
deck if it weren’t good)
Limited: 5/5 (I’d take this in draft even if I
wasn’t drafting water)
Art: 4/5 (How often do you see a man kill people
without his arms and punt someone off a bridge?)
N. Jolly
End of the Demon
The Good
-Field Control
-Easy requirement
The Bad
It's the N., with a somewhat old, but easily great
card from Coils of the Snake; End of the Demon. This
is a card that can clear a Kakashi, Zabuza, Baki, or
Third Hokage from the field for just an injured
Demon Bro or Suien, which makes it the best water
mission in the game. Finding cannon fodder for this
card is easy enough, and launching it is worth it in
almost any situation. With few ways to stop
something like this, it's generally going to hit
your opponent and hit them hard. Really, other than
a requirement, it's pretty much broken, and really
warrents it's status as an super rare. I can't see a
better card to run, so run it...and thank god we
don't have a ban list.
Constructed: 4.75/5
Limited: 3/5
Hey all, and welcome to
the newest COTD week from us Pojo card reviewers (P.S....send
money! We don't get paid for this!) Movin' on
though... This week starts us off with a strong
Water Mission, and quite useful in practically any
Water themed Deck.
The End of the Demon-Super Rare Water Mission;
Costs: 4-1
Target: (1) 1 of your "Chunin" or higher Rank Ninjas
with a "Water" symbol
(2) 1 of your opponent's Ninjas or Clients
Effect: Discard targets (1) and (2).
Wow...this can kill pretty much anythin your
opponent favors, or is currently owning you in the
Battle. Checkin out the stats for this Mission,
you've gotta wait until your 4th turn to activate
it, and just costs 1 Water card from your hand,
pretty standard cost, and as for the turn, it makes
sense. Granted, many players out there complain
about the turn cost, being 4, but I for one think it
makes sense. If this card were to be a turn 2 and
on, yes, odds are you will have at least 1 Water "Chunin"
Ninja in your Village, but at the same time, you'll
probably kill something worthless and allow your
opponent to bring out a much stronger Ninja that you
should have gotten rid of. Just discarding 1 Water "Chunin"
Ninja or higher Rank from your Village to
effectively kills a Ninja or Client makes 'End of
the Demon' a must have in a Water Deck. And, if this
wasn't made clear, you do have an option of killing
1 of your opponent's Ninjas OR Clients, but this
card was made to walk all over Ninjas, in my opinion
that is.
Constructed: 5/5 (Water deck need 1 at least, more
depending on you)
Limited: 5/5 (Water Ninjas are among the most used
and pulled, so combining 'End' with them, is a
win/win situation)