Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Haku [Camouflage]
Probably the best Haku yet, since the one in Path to
Hokage who's jutsus can't be negated isn't a jonin.
If he's in a team of three, and the other support
has the same or at least still good support while
injured, (i.e., Kurenai) then you can make sure
they'll be untouched. His worth depends on the
injured values of the ninjas you deploy him with; if
they're good, you can basically make them
untargetable (is that a word?) for a turn. If not,
well... better hope you won't be facing strong ninja
with jutsus.
Limited: 3/5
Constructed: 3.3/5
Wednesday's card is Haku,
Camoflague, another card from Eternal Rivalry. This
one is possibly better than the Super Rare from Path
of Hokage as he can give any ninja on his team
immunity from Jutsus. The fact that the ninja must
be injured to negate the Jutsu is a small minus, but
many ninja aren't really effected by it and a select
few simply get better. If you need to injure a Ninja
for his/her effect, Haku can do it for you. Besides,
the ninja who gets injured is restored to full
health in they survive the battle.
Limited: 4/5(strong stats and a nice effect)
Constructed:4/5(a good Turn 3 who can make certain
ninja instantly better)
Beastly Mage
Another day, another card. Today's card is one that
has become more popular than its Super Rare version.
Camouflage has the same stats as the old PotH
version, but it's a rare AND has a nicer effect.
Change one other Ninja in his team to Injured
Status, the Ninja can't be targetted by your
opponent's Jutsus. Asuming you've got a big-hitting
team, you don't have to worry about much. Then,
after that, heal the Ninja. It's a fun effect. He's
also got 4 combat and 3 support, so he's not too
shabby in healthy status. Try it and see.
Limited: 3/5
Constructed: 3/5
Art: 4/5
Byakuya Kuchiki
Today we look at the Rare version of Haku from
Eternal Rivalry. He has the same stats as his
counter part from Path, which was a Super Rare. Haku
still has the same attributes as his other version
and remains a solid turn 3 character. His ability is
pretty nifty if you ask me. Injure a ninja in Haku's
team, and that ninja can not be targeted by a Jutsu.
It sounds very promising, but most ninja's have
weaker stats in injured status, so it could make a
difference. However, if you played a deck like
Lightning/Water utilizing this Haku, most Lightning
ninja's become stronger, so it's beneficial in
helping you out. I think this Haku will see play
somewhere. I also love Haku's art compared to the
other ones out there. Try him out in certain decks,
he has a nice effect, and it also allows you to heal
that ninja at the end of the turn, so you can keep
abusing this ability until Haku gets injured because
it's not valid. Also, Haku's stats in injured stats
are bad as well. Those are his only downfalls, but
he's definitely playable.