Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Four Flames Formation
Getting four specific ninjas out is no easy task,
but if you can manage it, you get practically
unlimited negation. If you're running a sound deck,
it also provides a useful Water-type Sharingan for
use of the sound ninjas. Unforntunately, if your
opponent happens to have two Trigram/Trigram and
Sharingan/any jutsu and Sharingan/any two cards to
return ninjas to your hand, it'll go to the discard
pile, so be careful.
Constructed Sound: 4/5
Limited: 3/5 (chances are you won't pull all of
N. Jolly
Four Flame Formation
The Good
-Low Cost
-Sound Synergy
The Bad
-Specific User
N. here, now reviewing another huge card from the
next set, Four Flame Formation. This card is
incredible, allowing you to negate a jutsu, and put
it at the top of your opponent's deck. Perfect for
stoping Wind Style: Giant Breakthrough, this card
and Kabuto will rule the next set. Most of the sound
ninjas come out on turn 3 though, so you won't be
able to use this card early game. But you really
wouldn't want to, as this will allow you to stop
Trigrams, Vortex, and anything else. And with Kabuto
on your side, prepare this for when your opponent
tries to negate your jutsu, and watch him cry. Most
of the Sound 4 are great on their own, and with
support like this, will be even better.
Limited-3/5 If you pull a sound 4
Art-3/5 Okay, but not great
Four Flames Formation
We continue our Jutsu week with a card that could
have been so much more.
Symbol: Water
Cost: Water | 1
Requirements: Sound Four
Target: 1 Jutsu card being played.
Effect: Negate the target and move it to the top of
the owner's deck. If you
have ''Kidomaru'', ''Jirobo'', ''Sakon'' and Tayuya''
in play, return this card to the owner's hand.
The good - negates a Jutsu card and with an ok cost
and you could get it back to your hand. It could
also damage your opponent because you would know
what they are drawing for the next turn.
The bad - what isn't? You are not destroying it and
you are giving it back to your opponent on their
next turn and this card only goes back to your hand
if you have all four sound ninjas in play.
My advice is to avoid this card. It could have been
so much more. Sorry for the short review today.
Constructed: 1/5 (better water cards out there)
Limited: 1/5
Art: 4.5/5 (sweet picture)
Hello again, today we're
reviewing a very interesting Jutsu from Revenge &
Rebirth soon to be released; "Four Flames
Formation". Let's take a look.
Four Flames Formation
Type: Jutsu
Attribute: Water
Jutsu Cost: [ Water | ( 1 ) ]
Requirements: The Four Sound Ninja
Target: One Jutsu card being played
Effect: Negate the target and return it to the top
of it's original owner's Deck. If you have all of "Kidomaru,"
"Jirobo," "Sakon," and "Tayuya" in play, return this
card to your hand.
At first glance I was thinking "Whoa..way good," and
I was right. Bandai has given a "semi-official"
ruleing on this card's effect. That ruleing is that
you only need one of the Four Sound Ninja to play
the card, not all 4. That ruleing totally goes
against everything in the show, but oh well..nothing
we can do about that.
The ability to negate a Jutsu being played for 2 or
less Chakra is going to be playable reguardless,
unless it's requirements are off the chart. This one
fits nicely into that catagory. Paying only one
Water Chakra instead of two (such as Hidden Mist
Jutsu) for a better "return" effect than any other 2
cost Water Jutsu is very nice, very nice indeed.
On a tournament scale, you could not only negate the
Jutsu and return it to the top of your opponent's
deck but if your useing Kakashi [Early Settlement]
you can get rid of that Jutsu for good by sending it
to the Battle Reward area..That is if you win that
For those of you who are still playing Hidden Mist
Jutsu, if you happen to get any of the Four Sound
Ninja when this card is released it would be a good
idea to replace them with this card. Jirobo, Sakon
and Tayuya are going to be very playable, so this
card would fit right into any deck useing those
Constructed: 4 / 5 Very nice, Very nice indeed.
Better than Hidden Mist in every way.
Limited: 2 / 5, if you happen to pull any of the
Four Sound Ninja, 3.5 / 5
Artwork: 3.5 / 5 Pretty cool artwork, the Four Sound
Ninja forming the Four Flames Formation seal. :)
If you have any questions or comments reguarding my
review or about the Naruto TCG in general, feel free
to PM me on the Pojo forums (under the same name) or
E-Mail me at Uber_Ltachi@yahoo.com (Yes, L tachi)