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3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Neji Hyuga
Today's COTD is another good Neji card.
The good thing about Neji’s is that his injured
stats are the same as his healthy stats, which makes
him a strong card. He is turn 2, which is ok. He has
Byakugan and Growth, which is always a good thing.
His effect is great for the first few turns of the
game making him your perfect defence.
However his effect is not valid. Also since he is
turn 2 and his effect doesn’t work against turn 3
ninjas, chances are you will only really be able to
use his effect for one turn.
My advice is that if you do play earth this card
will be good support for your deck. Try playing him
with the other Neji's out there to find out which
one (or two) are best suited for you.
Constructed: 3.5/5 (earth)
Limited: 4/5
Art: 4.5/5 (the master of the chakra, Neji)