Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Wednesday's card is Might
Guy, Backup. This card is pretty simple. If your
opponent is running Water or Fire, you can play him
at Turn 4 for no discard cost instead of waiting
until Turn 5, allowing you to get that big ninja in
when you need him. Play this turn 4 and Turn 5
Platoon out the Kakashi/ Might Guy Platoon, or just
have him out Turn 4. You may want to run the Guy
from the last set or Unique Teaching Method if you
are running a Taijutsu deck, or you could easily
sideboard him to use against Water and Fire-using
decks. A discard free Might Guy is always a good
Beastly Mage
Might Guy
Hello, fellow Pojo-ers. Today's card is one that is
making a splash in many a deck right now. This
version of Guy-Sensei can hit the field one turn
earlier AND for free if your opponent has at least
one fire or water ninja out. Since most decks run a
few of these two elements, you have a good chance to
get this ninja out with no problems. Try it and see.
Limited: 4/5
Constructed: 5/5
Art: 3/5
Byakuya Kuchiki
Might Guy[Backup]
Today is our third Super Rare for Super Rare week.
The card today is no other than Might Guy. He's a
solid ninja being a 6/0 healthy and a 5/0 injured
and a turn 5 Jonin which is pretty good. Like most
cards, Might Guy has Super Rare status because of
his effect. His effect says, when your opponent has
1 or more ninja's with a fire or water symbol in
play this ninja gets -1 to both hand and entrance
costs making him a 4 drop. With all of the Mono
Water decks and Freedori mono fire decks out there,
Might Guy is almost certain to come out on turn with
no hand cost. Even if they aren't running those two
elements, then most people usually run Sasuke AoC or
Hayate DaP splashed into their deck. And since Might
Guy is lightning, some people might be running
Kono[HG] as their 0 drop allowing Guy to come out as
early as turn 3. The only downside is dealing with
pulling off Might Guy on turn 3 would be your
opponent's Ino from Eternal Rivalry because of her
nasty effect. Otherwise, Might Guy is gold coming
out on turn 4 with no hand cost. He's not the
greatest Super Rare and he might not be the best
Might Guy, but coming out earlier is always better.