Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale. 1 being the worst. 3 = average. 5 is the highest rating.
Beastly Mage
[State 1]
Now this Ninja will probably see play even outside
the Sound Deck. Why? Having three support is a good
thing, but having four... nice! I say try it. If you
liked the first Tayuya, you'll like this one too.
Limited: 3/5
Constructed: 3/5
Art: She looks a little bit human.../5
Frank Xia
A 4/4 on turn 4...the one that is most playable in
my opinion of the Sound 4 noobs. Not bad for a 4/4
on turn 4 and then 2/4 when injured, that, in my
opinion, is better than Haku, Sakon, Jirobo, and
basically any other turn 3. This card just tortures
Hayate J, Haku and possible DaP too. This is the
best one.
Constructed: 5/5
Limited: 5/5
saurabh dubey
2. Tayuya ( state 1)
The bad thing about the sound ninja from this set is
that they cannot form a team of 4. Let's see her.
Her stats for a turn 3 are kind of below average,but
she still keeps all of that support with her when
injured. You could growth her, if you're lucky
enough to get two of them at the same time. Her
effect is average, you can give her a permanent
+1/+1 for two chakra. Again, good thing about growth
is that it works if you are injured. Mostly use full
in a sound
My ratings:
Constructed: 3.5
Limited: 3
Thursday's card really IS
a girl. Tayuya. Ta. You. Ya. Tayouya. Eh, Tayuya.
Where her parents drunk when they named him? Wait, I
mean HER!!!!! God, with Orochimaru and Sakon posing
as girls, I can't can't see any more REAL girls for
miles. Let's just see Sakura as a boy, eh? EXACTLY!
The same!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, same craptacular effect. But her 3/3 1/3
stats give possibilities. She can be the Head Ninja
for a bit, then switch to back as injured. A Deck of
a certain kind could master her. But alone she just
plain SUCKS. A deck with huge Combat Ninjas backed
up by the other half a Ninjas being high Support
Ninjas..... Ya. That'd be nice with Flab, too....
4.2242356346567567567/5 (S4/CombatSupport Deck)
Art: The Legend of Zelda: Didjerdoo of Salvation
For all of the Four Sound
They take too long to play (if you play all in a
row, you won't get the last out until turn 6, and
then you'll get run over by Jonins) and I see little
point to their effects. Two Chakra for a +1/+1
wasn't great last time I checked. And I don't
believe any jutsu in the set has anything to do with
them all having growth; if I missed something, I
Constructed/Limited: 1.5/5
First Hokage
Tayuya[State 1]
Continuing on with the Sound 5 this week, we land on
Tayuya, which replaced Haku from Path because of her
support. She had 3 support and 3 support even when
she was injured. And this was back in Revenge and
Rebirth. Now that she's State 1, she is crazy
strong. Like all of the other Sound 4, you discard 2
chakra and she gets growth coin. She has the exact
same stats as the previous Tayuya as well. This is
definitely making her one of Water's staple turn
She'll have 4 support in both healthy and injured
status with her effect, which is just crazy. This is
also on turn 3, which is even better. She'll
probably be splashed into other decks as well. In
limited, she's a beast since she has 4 support
injured and in healthy as I mentioned earlier. She's
definitely the most consistent out of the Sound 4.