Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Choji Akimichi[The Most
Secret Pills]
Today we look at a super mad Choji from when he
faced off against Jirobo. He's a turn 0 with 2 power
and has Growth. His effect allows you to search for
Triad Colored PIlls which allows you to use his
crazy Jutsu cards. I really can't say a whole lot
more for Choji as I am not sure how viable his deck
type is yet. It might be able to work or it might
fall. We'll just have to see how this meta unfolds.
I think he might be good, but it all depends. In
limited, use him because he is turn 0, and it always
helps to get turn 0's.
My ratings:
Constructed: 3.5/5
Limited: 3.75/5
Frank Xia
Choji Akamichi Not bad, growth, turn 0, and the mission card
is ok. However, just use Sasuke+Chidori or
something, I wouldn't run this over the Formation
Choji. With Shik Formation, it just owns. Well,
another average card for review, and since Mission
cards are at one per turn, if the Triad Soldier
Pills things that look like pool table balls were
Jutsu, then it might be better.
Constructed: 3/5
saurabh dubey
Choji Akimichi ( the most
secret pills)
This is only usefull for a theme deck if you want to
rely on the mission ' the triad coloured pills'. I
think it allows pretty good jutsu and missions, but
otherwise it is a turn 0. It has growth, but why
growth it? Not much more to say about this guy.
My ratings:
Constructed: 3.5
LImited: 2.5
P.S. Unless my computer loaded wrong, why does it
have a pojo combat attribute?
Thursday card is wow. One
pissed chubby. Look at that picture..... Woah...
That's deep. Cool. And yet very very disturbing.
He's still got the average crap Chubby stats. Put
him in play the find "The Triad Color Pills". Let's
look at that mission. It gives your Choji Secret
Pills. UGH!!! Well, hm. Um.... I'll stop there. I'm
not about to go searching for the card that happens
next. Too much investment.