Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 = average.
5 is the highest rating.
Tsunade & Katsuyu. What a
beast. 9/4,6/4 with Sannin, mental power 3, medical.
Turn 8 though, which means that you'll have to
survive long enough to play this platoon. But if you
can, you'll likely win, since this ninja protects
itself and all the ninjas in its team from jutsus
and ninja effects. And with 9 combat healthy, and 4
support both ways, their team is very unlikely to go
down. Missions can still hit it though, so watch out
for Caged Bird and Cursed Fate.
Constructed:4/5(Only problem is that it is a platoon
of two hand cost, high turn ninjas, and it has an
entrance cost of 8.)
Limited:1/5(Good luck pulling Tsunade, she's also a