Beastly Mage |
Neji Hyuga & Hizashi Hyuga
This is one powerful platoon for Taijutsu decks.
Being able to use the most powerful Jutsus a Hyuga
can use (namely Neji and those with a high turn
cost) for free is pretty good. Too bad that it's not
valid, like the second effect: the part about not
being affected by your opponent's missions, which is
a good bonus. Other problem with this platoon: it's
a Genin! Since the dad's rankless... still, it's
pretty good in its own deck.
Limited: 2/5 (unless you can draft the Jutsu cards)
Constructed: 3.5/5
Art: Very paternal/5
Mark Howard |
Today's card is Neji and Hizashi. Being a turn 5 Platoon is pretty
good, and no hand cost and 7/0 6/0 is much better.
The first issue here is that one of the cards is
Neji. Generally, Neji gets shunned from the metagame
by being a turn 2 card with his only stats being
either 3/0-3/0 or 3/0-2/0, which is only as powerful
as Sasuke, and Neji effects don't stand out as much
as other early-turn Ninjas with 1 (or none) stat
point lower.
Aside from that, they can use those silly Trigram cards without
paying the cost. That's really good, but then again
those Jutsu can sometimes let you down when you need
them most, so they aren't too reliable. But, just
being able the use it for free is good enough.
The stats are pretty good as well.
They're almost as good as Jiraiya,
but then again he's already high enough. Also, this
Platoon is not affected by Mission Cards, so they
can't be Selecting the Strongest, Caged Birded,
Cursed Fated, or balblablad. Other than that,
there's nothing generally awesome about these guys,
but there's nothing particularly terrible about
Art: Meh
Fun Fact: Neji is a Nazi because he has a Swastica (or however you
spell it), or a multiplication symbol, or just an X.
Whatever floats his boat.
Tomorrow: *Checks next Tab*, okay, it looks like
we're booked for our next review!