Pojo's Naruto Card of the Day
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Beastly Mage
What strikes me a bit about this Akamaru is that he
has the "Growth" characteristic, something a bit
rare for Akamaru (since there's only one other
version with "Growth"). Now, apart from that, he's
got not one, but two good effects. First: he can
make both Kiba and himself (Akamaru) get original
healthy values of 2/2. That means that without
Growth, Kiba and Akamaru combined will go up to 4 in
team power. On top of that, he can protect Kiba from
your opponent's Ninja effects if they're together.
Remember, this card and yesterday's card have to be
together in order to get their effects, so do what
you must to keep them together!
Today’s card is Man Beast Clone’s best friend,
Akamaru. Turn 0 is definitely much better than our
old turn 1 Akamarus. You can now fill your turn 1
slots with more useful ninjas like Toki, Shikamaru,
Temari, etc… When this ninja is on the field,
Akamaru’s and Kiba’s healthy stats become 2/2. So on
turn 2, when you drop Gaara [TN], you have a team
with a power of 8. That’s not bad. Also, when
Akamaru is on the same team as Kiba, they cannot be
affected by ninja effects. That’s pretty good. But
all it is is pretty good. I don’t find either the
new Kiba or Akamaru to be better than our old Kiba
and Akamaru.
Rating: 2.3/5
Snake Sasuke
Akamaru [Reliable Partner]-
Good Card ONLY with Kiba. Then it becomes at 2/2 and
in a team with kiba it becomes 4/4. only good in
Limited - Starter deck
Constructed- 1.5/5
First Hokage
Akamaru[Reliable Partner]
The second card of our Approaching Winds preview
this week and it goes well with Kiba.
Akamaru is a turn 0 Ninja dog with growth and the
animal combat attribute.
Akamaru has stats of 0/1 in both healthy and injured
status. His effect is what makes him good. While you
have a Kiba in play both Akamaru and Kiba become a
2/2 while in healthy status. The effect is not
valid, but it’s pretty nifty. Akamaru’s second
effect says when Akamaru and Kiba are the same team,
they cannot be affected by the effects of your
opponent’s ninja. It’s another nice effect. If you
run the searching Kiba, just search out this Akamaru
and by turn 1, you’ll have a team of 4 and cannot be
affected by things like Choji on turn 0/1. It’s
pretty nice.