N-661 The 5th Kazekage [Reliance]
Hello again, it's Mr. N. Jolly, and today I've
finally done another N.'s End! Check it out, just
tool'd around with a Sand/Medical deck!
But here's a card that I actually suggest for the
deck, Gaara with a job! Yeah, it's another 5th
Kazekage, so let's check out his stats, shall we:
T5 HC1 Wind
Sand/Male/Satoosa/Name: Gaara of the Desert
6/2 4/2 CA: Sand
Rarity: Rare
The 5th is actually a decent T5 for Wind, but he
has other forms that are generally better. I'm not
much a fan of his power, but I've probably just been
spoil'd on how good Kakashi is, so he's not bad at
all. Having the Sand CA gives him access to all the
Gaara jutsu we've all come to love, but he's really
not the guy to be using them, so just stick to the
normal wind line up for him. But his effect is
actually pretty nice, if not a bit restrictive:
While you have 4 or more other "Sand" Ninja in
play, this Ninja gets +2/+2 and cannot be affect'd
by your opponent's effects.
This should really be valid, but beyond that,
it's a pretty good effect. I guess I'm yet another
person who bemoans that puppets don't have villages,
but you should have a good amount of ninja to pull
this effect off, especially considering Sasori
(Childhood) will be coming out next set. There's
plenty of Sand ninja for you to play, especially
considering The 4th comes out this set too. It's not
the best effect, but as the center of a Wind City
deck he's a pretty good ninja.
Construct'd: 3/5 A good card, but hard to
overcome a legacy of other Gaaras out there.
Limited: 1.5/5 I doubt you'll get off it's effect,
but it's still pretty good as a beat stick.
Art('d): Oh god, Gaara can see the sky shark! It's
God's perfect killing machine! Save yourself!/5
And check out the new N.'s End, up after a month
of danger and sexy adventures! Be sure to send your
decks in and I'll give them a look over. And
remember, always fight the whale!