As we come to friday, we will be covering the new
konan from the set 21 starters.
Konan is a turn 2 void/wind with 0/3 0/2 stats
(fairly average for a strickly support mid-game
ninja) with ninjutsu, ambush, and mental power of 2.
her effect is when you sacrifice a ninja, you can
put a void ninja in play with lower entrance cost to
the ninja you just lost. first looks tell us konan
is an exellent ninja for sacrifice-oriented decks,
but is she?
Void-the word lower is what will be konans downfall.
typically when your sacrificing a ninja (removing
them from the game as an additional cost for a
ninja) they are either a turn 0 (meaning konan's
effect cannot go off, as no one has less than 0
entrance cost while in the players hand), they have
a put into play effect (sasori and tobi come to
mind, in which case if you have the ninja it can be
a good way to lower the ninja disadvantage to
sacrifice), or they are damaged without a valid
effect (this is where konan could shine, turning
that worthless in injured deidara/kisame into not
only a new pain, but a chump blocker/another
sacrifice canidate comes in as well). On turn
2 is naraka path pain, who many have decided just is
not enough for what you have to commit to him to
play him, so konan could be an exelent turn 2. The
only problem with this way of thinking is voids best
turn 1, animal path pain (whos stats are 1/3) who
requires a sacrifice, meaning if you curve what
you'd want, on turn 2 you would have a 1/3 and a
0/3, giving you a huge disadvantage against rush and
other decks with a strong early game.
overall, konan is a little clumsy, but she has
potential to be a dependable turn 2 for void, and
element that desperatly needs flexibility in its
limited: NA
constructed: void-3/5 (not great, but with our
current pool she might be the best turn 2 for void.)
art: 5/5
I'm DIMHWT, and this was the naruto COTD, see you
tomorrow ;)