Pojo's Naruto Card of the Day
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The 5th Mizukage
[Controlled Mist]
#N-1653 Reviewed May 2, 2013
Card Rating
Limited: 2
Unlimited: 3
Block: 3
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 = average.
5 is the highest rating.
Beastly Mage
The 5th Mizukage
Here we have The 5th Mizukage. This Rare is a
6/4-1/3 that comes in at T6 with 1 Hand Cost. She's
a Water/Earth/Fire with the Lava Combat Attribute.
She's quite strong, and her Effect is pretty good.
At the start of your Opponent's Turn, before the
Draw Phase, you both check how many Ninjas your
Opponent has. If your Opponent has more Ninjas than
you, even if just one more, your Opponent picks one
of his/her Ninjas and discards it. She's good
sideboard material against decks that rely on
swarming (such as Insect Decks) or a deck that
relies on Rushing (putting a lot of Ninjas in play
quickly). Only drawback is her Entrance Cost. You'd
have to hold off until Turn 6. The other drawback is
that her Effect isn't Valid, so keep that in mind.
Limited: 2/5 (having three Symbols helps with the
Hand Cost)
Unlimited: 3/5
Block: 3/5
Art: I know a chick that looks like her o_O/5
the 5th mizukage a one ms mei terumi. She is as you
guessed, a kage from the mist. She is a t6 H1
water/earth and fire ninja that is at 6/4-1/3 and
has the lava attribute. her affect is really strong
as if they control more ninjas than you they have to
discard one. it helps whittle their numbers down and
if you have buffs it makes it even better