Beastly Mage |
Never Ending Love
Call me a softie, but I'm holding back the tears for
this one.
I started playing the Naruto CCG in 2006, got the
first two starter decks, I still have the old metal
coins. I got into the game so well I ended up
becoming a Meijin. I volunteered to write for Pojo,
and have enjoyed my stay in this game. Even with all
the ups and downs Bandai of America has gone
through, the headaches we got with delayed sets,
incomplete prize kits, players who complain too
much, ruling changes, card effect erratas, block
lists, and all that other stuff that comes with card
games, I still love this game.
And today we take a look at what has been declared
Bandai's final promo card: Never Ending Love.
This Champion-Designed card (by Kévin Perron, 2012's
Champion) was to be given as a prize in the Chunin
Kits as a normal foil promo, but will now be a gold
foil promo. It's a Wind/Earth card that goes well
with Kunoichi decks given the two Symbols on it. It
also goes well in a few other decks, such as Kage
Decks (that run multi-Symbol Ninjas), and others.
This Mission allows you to draw 3 cards. If you do
that, you skip your Organization Phase during the
Turn you used it. This Mission is a T1 Mission,
which means that you'll be using it early game. At
that moment, organizing Teams isn't a priority most
of the time. Note that it says "skip your
Organization Phase" and doesn't say anything about
battling. You can still battle, but you just can't
set up teams. Like I said: early game, Organizing
Teams isn't usually a priority.
I'd say "Try it and see" if you're still playing. If
you do, and get one, go for it.
Limited: 5/5
Unlimited: 5/5
Block: 5/5
Art: Took the words out of my mouth, Kurenai-Sensei/5
PS: If they bring Miracle Battle over here, you can
expect my return. In the meantime, Bill, Bandai, and
all the Naruto fans, it's been a pleasure.